A group of students pay attention during seminar.


Gain critical thinking and communication skills on an interdisciplinary path to thrive in a variety of careers.

Quaternity – B.A. in Liberal Studies, Quaternity Emphasis

Students within the Quaternity program at Montana State explore their education through the lens of a traditional liberal arts education, with a flexible student-centered course plan that views the world through four concepts of knowledge: thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation. As part of the Liberal Studies department, Quaternity students take a series of integrative seminars designed to provide a sense of academic community and improve their critical thinking and communication skills, all while obtaining a better understanding of the factual knowledge and theoretical foundations of the subjects they’re studying.

In addition to the traditional four-year campus experience, the Quaternity degree within Liberal Studies is also available through the Online Degree Completion Program. The Online Degree Completion Program is specifically designed for students who have completed an associate's degree and wish to earn their bachelor's degree online for any number of reasons.

The Liberal Studies major at Montana State offers two additional Options Within the Major: Environmental Studies and Global & Multicultural Studies.



An illustration of a book, its pages wide open.

Montana’s Research Leader
Montana State is the largest research enterprise in the state and consistently breaks MSU records for annual research expenditures, reaching $200 million for the first time in 2022.

An illustration of a dartboard, a dart piercing the target.

Study On Your Terms
The Liberal Arts Online Degree Completion Program allows for students to earn their bachelor's degree in their home communities at their own pace.

An illustration of an eye wide open.

Unique Opportunities
At Montana State, undergraduates are offered hands-on experiences in labs, studios, teaching farms and in the surrounding wilderness.



Career Resources

Within their first year of graduation, more than 96% of Montana State graduates are employed, continuing their education or not seeking employment, and career guidance website Zippia consistently ranks MSU as the #1 school in the state where alumni are most likely to land jobs.

Career Coaching & Professional Skills Studio

Professional career coaches help students with their career exploration, employer networking opportunities and job or internship searches. They also critique resumes and help students practice job interviews. Additionally, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success offers free workshops for students to develop the professional communication and collaboration skills that are highly sought after by employers.


Quaternity students at Montana State University go into careers such as:

  • Archivist
  • Writer
  • Librarian
  • Museum Management
  • Publicist

To explore more career possibilities, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success has a variety of tools available [BROKEN LINK] , including self-assessment and working with career coaches.