Thursday – Saturday, August 15 – 17, 2024

Cost of the Program is $649

Let the Adventure Begin!

You'll make new friends, explore the great outdoors, and earn an academic credit along the way.

  • Tackle a high-ropes course.
  • Learn new skills.
  • Move into your residence hall early.
  • Explore downtown Bozeman with your new community of friends.
  • Get to know your personal Student Success Mentor, who will let you know what to expect at college.
  • Form lasting friendships with your mentor group.
  • Learn how to succeed at college from MSU's Learning Strategist.
  • Meet professional success advisors who will have your back all year long.
  • Reflect on what you want to get out of your time at MSU.
  • Get a jump on college by earning an academic credit.*


*Students currently registered for fewer than 12 credits should contact the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success at 406-994-7627 to learn how this may affect their Fall tuition and fees.   

**Activities are subject to change based upon availability.

Already Registered? Do you need to pay? Click here

Interested in becoming a mentor? Click here to apply!

At Adventures MSU you will meet new friends, explore the outdoors and earn one academic credit along the way. Venues do change year to year, but the experience stays the same. Join us!