The Accelerated MPAc Program allows Jabs accounting students to complete the Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAc) degrees within five years. Also known as a “4+1” or “seamless” master’s program, the accelerated MPAc program can be completed by integrating both graduate and undergraduate course requirements in the final semesters of the combined period of study. Students on the Accelerated MPAc track can reserve up to 12 credits of coursework for their MPAc degree while undergraduates. In their fifth year, these students complete the remaining MPAc graduate work.

Click here for the downloadable PDF of the accelerated MPAc program degree map.

Undergraduate Courses:

The following information maps out your undergraduate accounting coursework:

Freshman Year:

  Fall  Cr.  Spring   Cr.
Business & E-ship Fundamentals 3 ECNS 101IS
Econ Way of Thinking 3
  Math *based on placement data* 3 M 161Q
Survey of Calculus 3
  U- Core or Non-Bus/Non-Econ Electives 9 BGEN 215 Career Readiness 2
        U- Core or Non-Bus/Non-Econ Electives 6
    15     15


Sophomore Year:

  Fall  Cr.  Spring   Cr.
ACTG 201  Principles of Accounting I 3 ACTG 202 Managerial Accounting 3
BMIS 211 Data Analytics I 3 ACTG 223 Principles of Accounting II   3
ECNS 204IS Microeconomics 3 BMGT 205  Prof. Bus. Communications  3
STAT 216Q Intro to Statistics 3 STAT 217 or BMGT 240IS 3
  U- Core or Non-Bus/Non-Econ Electives     3 ECNS 202 Macroeconomics 3
    15     15

*Apply for Admission to Jabs: 60 credits, C- in classes above, 2.50 cum. GPA.
Students must be admitted to enroll in upper-division option courses (those denoted with an asterisk).

Junior Year:

  Fall  Cr.  Spring   Cr.
BFIN 322  Finance 3 ACTG 321R Accounting Info Systems I* 3
ACTG 327 Intermediate Accounting I 3 ACTG 328 Intermediate Accounting II* 3
BMGT 335 
Management & Organization 3 BMGT 322 Op Management 3
BMIS 311 Management Info Systems 3 BGEN361 Business Law 3
  U- Core or Non-Bus/Non-Econ Electives  5 BMKT325 Marketing 3
        U- Core or Non-Bus/Non-Econ Electives   3
    17     18

*Apply for Accelerated MPAc Program.

Senior Year:

  Fall  Cr.  Spring   Cr.
ACTG 401 Federal Income Taxation* 3 BGEN 499 Senior Strategy Seminar* 4
ACTG 410 
Cost Accounting I* 3 ACTG 411 Auditing I* 3
  ACTG elective* 3 ACTG 415  Governmental Accounting  3
  U- Core or Non-Bus/Non-Econ Electives   6   Reserve MPAc credits: See below 3
  Reserve MPAc credits: See below 3   Reserve MPAc credits: See below   3
    18     16

*Congrats on completing your B.S. in Accounting!

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Required MPAc Courses:

Fifth Year:

  Fall  Cr.  Spring   Cr.
ACTG 514  Fraud Examination 3 ACTG 521 Advanced Auditing 3
ACTG 522 Accounting Analytics 3 ACTG 526 Advanced Taxation 3
ACTG 525 Accounting Theory & Complex Issues in Accounting 3 ACTG 529   Survey of Accounting Topics   3
ACTG 536 Advanced Accounting 3      
    12     15

NOTE: The courses listed above are offered only in the fall or spring as designated above.

Approved MPAc Electives (9 credits):

  Course Description Semester of Offering
ACTG 531 Tax Practicum Spring
ACTG 544 Professional Accounting Issues Fall/Spring
ACTG 598 Internship (max 3; P/F) Fall/Spring/Summer
Undergraduate Course Options  
ACTG 431* VITA Spring
ACTG 441* Fin Statement Analysis Fall/Spring
BFIN 420R* Investments Fall/Spring
BFIN 421* Real Estate & Invest Analysis Spring
BFIN 435* Corporate Finance Fall/Spring
BFIN 452* Int’l Finance Fall
BFIN 456* Fin Mgmt for the Entrepreneur Fall
BFIN 458* Commercial Bank Mgmt Spring
BFIN 460* Derivatives & Securities Fall/Spring
BMGT 405* Supply Chain Mgmt Fall
BMGT 406* Negotiation Fall/Spring
ECNS 403 Intro to Econometrics Fall/Spring
ECNS 451 Behavioral & Experimental Economics Fall
EFIN 401 Engineering & Economic Financial Mgmt II Fall
EFIN 405 R Lab Class II Fall
EFIN 499 Financial Engineering Design Capstone Spring
EIND 434 Project Mmgt for Engineers Fall
EIND 457 Regres & Multivar Analysis Spring, even years
EIND 458 Production & Engineering Mgmt Spring
PSYX 461 Indust & Organiz Psych On Demand
PSYX 481 Judgement & Decision Making On Demand
STAT 408 Statistical Computing & Graphical Analysis Fall/Spring
   Graduate Non-Business Course Options
PSCI 525 Non-Profit Mgmt Fall
PSCI 530 Tools of Public Administration Summer
PSCI 555 Human Resources Mgmt Fall
PSCI 560 Ethics & Public Service Spring

*Cannot be used as electives or for degree requirements if the course has already been used as part of another degree program.Maximum of 9 credit hours of approved 400-level course work may be included in the 30-credit MPAc program, if at least 6 of these 9 credit hours are ACTG or BFIN classes.Otherwise, 6 credit hours of approved 400-level course work may be included.

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Academic Requirements

Criteria required to apply for the accelerated program:


  • October 1 for spring admission
  • March 1 for summer/fall admission

Academic Planning is ESSENTIAL for timely graduation:

Grades of ‘C-‘ or better are required to satisfy requirements for pre-requisite and
required courses in majors, minors, and for all university core requirements.

Plan for strictly enforced pre-requisites
  • You can see pre-requisites in DegreeWorks or in the online course catalog
  • You may not register for course(s) for which you do not have pre-requisite(s)

Complete your Junior/300-level courses before your Senior/400-level.

Watch out for:

  • Courses offered in only the fall or spring semesters
  • More restricted day/time options & single section offerings
  • Use DegreeWorks for semesters of offering & section numbers

Non-business/non-economics electives:

  • 45% of 120 (48 credits) required
  • Use DegreeWorks to track your progress
  • Don’t leave them until your senior year!

Jabs Residency Policy: Of the upper-division credits required for business
students, at least 18 credits and BGEN 499 (4 credits) must be taken in residence
at the Jabs (not transferred from another institution).

If you have questions, contact MPAc Program Director, Dr. Marc Giullian,

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