2024-2025 Bracken Center Scholarships

These awards are for students studying abroad or traveling abroad for academic purposes.

The MSU Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship (Jabs) is pleased to offer fellowships to Jabs students for international activities.  We anticipate awarding fellowships up to $1,500 each for international activity to occur during 2024-2025 academic year.

Criteria for Eligibility for Bracken International Fellowship

  • Activity must involve travel to a foreign destination in Summer or Fall 2024, or Spring of 2025
  • Activity must have a substantial academic component (e.g. study abroad, internship, summer program)
  • Strong academic performance
  • Strong justification for participating in the activity, including a demonstrated commitment to international business education and professional development
  • Enrollment at MSU during the term of your international activity (this can be arranged in a variety of ways)

The Best Applicant(s) Will:

  • Be a Business major
  • Have a GPA of at least a 3.0
  • Have good reasons for wanting to participate in the program
  • Have a strong recommendation from a faculty member

To apply, you will need the following:

  • Name
  • Last four digits of GID
  • Option/Minor
  • Current GPA
  • Contact Information
  • Describe your proposed international activity/program while demonstrating your commitment to study abroad.
  • Explain why participating in the activity/program will advance your personal and professional interests.
  • Proposed budget
  • 2-3 professional references

DEADLINE for Summer 2024 Application:  April 15, 2024

Blue button that says apply now


For more information, please contact:

Mariah Stopplecamp, Director of the Bracken Center
Jabs Hall 110