
The MSU Climate Solutions Group is a faculty-led initiative to engage our fellow faculty, students, staff and citizens in discussions and actions related to our role in addressing the climate crisis.

The Climate Solutions Group coordinates MSU CLIMATE WEEK, the MSU Climate Solutions (CS) Lab, a faculty-led research initiative, and the Climate Action Today for Students (CATS) Lab, a student-led, faculty-advised independent learning initiative. 

The goals of the MSU Climate Solutions Group are to:

  • Promote and coordinate faculty, staff, student and citizen learning through interdisciplinary education and research opportunities on climate change solutions.
  • Encourage the implementation university policies and strategies to immediately and rapidly reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Develop new classes, programs and majors and continuously update our curricula to reflect the realities of climate disruption.

The Climate Solutions Group meets regularly and serves as an on-going, inclusive, and open network to engage our campus community in conversations specifically about the dangers of climate disruption and the solutions that all of us are responsible to define and implement.  Our meetings are open to all and active participation is encouraged: Meetings take place the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 3pm. 

Learn more and participate in our MSU Climate Week Events


To join the unmoderated Climate Solutions Group list serve, send an email to: with the following text in the subject line: "subscribe climatesolutionsgroup YourFirstName YourLastName"

For more information, contact Paul Lachapelle at