Degree Held:Gabrielle Antonioli

B.S. Organismal Biology, Montana State University, 2013

Degree Sought:

MS in Earth Sciences - Snow Science


Karl Birkeland & Jordy Hendrikx

Email Address:

Title of Research Project:

Microclimate Study of Small-Scale Snowfall Patterns Across Hyalite Canyon

Summary of Research Project

The purpose of this research project is to identify and study snowfall patterns in the Northern Gallatin Mountain Range of southwest Montana. Specifically, this research is focused on the portion of the range that drains northward into Hyalite Creek, the water source for the city of Bozeman. Knowledge of the variation in snowpack conditions within a mountain range is essential for accurately predicting snow avalanches, and this variation is primarily a function of snow depth and amount of recent snowfall. In order to explore these previously unstudied snowfall patterns, this research addresses the following questions:

  1. Is there a measurable variation in the amount of wintertime precipitation across the Northern Gallatin Range? 
  2. If measurable differences in snowfall amounts exist, is it possible to identify patterns within these variations and to link them to forecasted and observed weather patterns and the geography of the range?
  3. Once these patterns are identified, is it possible to predict how certain weather patterns will affect snowfall across the range, and to use these predictions to aid in the forecasting of avalanches?

Research/Professional Experience:

Intern Forecaster, Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center

Course Instructor, Friends of the Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center

Montana Alpine Guides, Avalanche Level 1 Instructor and Guide

Bridger Bowl Volunteer Ski Patrol


WFA/CPR certification

Avalanche Level 1

American Avalanche Association, Affiliate Member


 Antonioli Field Work 2Antonioli Field Work