Madison Boone portraitDegrees Held

B.A. Biology; Hendrix College, 2014

B.A. Environmental Studies; Hendrix College, 2014

Degree Sought:

Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences (Natural Resource Social Science)


Dr. Sarah Church

Research Project:

Title: Understanding social learning in interdisciplinary environmental research: Case studies of the Montana Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems

Since the 1970s, scholars have recognized the existence of environmental “wicked problems”, or those that have high levels of complexity with no “one size fits all” solution. To attempt to understand and address such problems, collaborative approaches ranging from interdisciplinary science to management and policy planning processes are suggested as best practices. By engaging multiple groups and individuals, scholars argue that collaborative approaches facilitate shared dialogue and connection between potentially divergent interests within these complex problems. An important process and outcome of such partnerships is social learning. Through intentional communication and engagement, participants learn from each other and build shared understanding, which can lead to new ways of thinking about and addressing the original issue. Researchers recognize the power of social learning to build adaptive capacity and long-term partnerships in natural resource management. However, despite increasing calls for research models that integrate diverse environmental epistemologies in order to better understand these “wicked” natural resource challenges, the literature on social learning specific to research collaboratives remains limited. My dissertation research thus seeks to characterize the social learning processes and outcomes of interdisciplinary environmental research collaboratives. Specifically, I am examining these elements in stakeholder working groups created through the Montana Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems (CREWS), a five-year, statewide water quality research project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). I am especially interested in understanding how the CREWS working groups create actionable research, support sustained partnerships, and impact local communities.


Preferred Email Address: 


Research and Professional Experience:

  • 2021 – Present: Project and Communications Lead, Science Math Resource Center, Montana State University
  • 2017 – 2021: Program and Communications Manager, Montana Institute on Ecosystems, Montana State University
  • 2016 – 2017: Big Sky Watershed Corps Member, One Montana and MSU-Extension Gallatin County
  • 2015: Stewardship Technician, The Nature Conservancy Nebraska
  • 2014 – 2015: Livestock Assistant, Heifer Farm, Heifer International
  • 2012 – 2014: Undergraduate Research Assistant, Hendrix College
  • 2012 – 2013: Laboratory Teaching Assistant, Hendrix College; Social Behavior and Adaptation, Botany Courses


Publications and Presentations:

Peer-reviewed publications

Lassa, M.J., H. Wilmer, M.J. Boone, Z. Brown, J. D. Derner, D.E. Peck, C. Thissen, and C. Marlow. 2020. “How to Talk with Ranchers About Drought and Climate Resilience: Lessons from Knowledge Exchange Workshops in Montana.” The Journal of Extension 58 (5).

Boone, M.J., C.N. Davis, L. Klasek, J.F. del Sol, K. Roehm, and M.D. Moran. 2015. “A test of potential Pleistocene mammal seed dispersal in anachronistic fruits using extant ecological and physiological analogs.” Southeastern Naturalist 14 (1): 22-32.

Harrington, A.H., A.F. Bigott, B.W. Anderson, M.J. Boone, S.M. Brick, J.F. del Sol, R.A.

Hotchkiss, R.A. Huddleston, E.H. Kasper, J.J. McGrady, M.L. McKinnie, M.V. Ottenlips, N.E. Skinner, K.C. Spatz, A.J. Steinberg, F. van den Broek, C.N. Wilson, A.M. Wofford, and A.M. Willyard. 2014. “Sampling Local Fungal Diversity in an Undergraduate Laboratory using DNA Barcoding.” Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 68 (12).


Report chapters

Byron, R., B. Maxwell, N. Silverman, P. Higuera, M.J. Boone, and D. McWethy. 2021.

“Climate Change-Related Health Impacts.” In A. Adams, R. Byron, B. Maxwell, S. Higgins, M. Eggers, L. Byron, C. Whitlock. Climate change and human health in Montana: a special report of the Montana Climate Assessment. (pp. 25-70). Montana State University, Institute on Ecosystems, Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity. 216 p.

Maxwell, B., B. Weed, L. Ippolito, A. Bekkerman, M.J. Boone, M. Mills-Novoa, D. Weaver, M. Burrows, and L. Burkle. 2017. “Agriculture and Climate Change in Montana.” In C. Whitlock, W. Cross, B. Maxwell, N. Silverman, and A.A. Wade. 2017 Montana Climate Assessment (pp. 197-244). Montana State University and University of Montana, Montana Institute on Ecosystems, Bozeman, MT and Missoula, MT.

Whitepapers and other publications

Mills-Novoa, M., M.J. Boone, Z. Brown, B. Bauer, and B. Sarchet. 2017. “How Montana agriculture can respond to changing weather and climate patterns.” MontGuide Publication, MSU-Extension Service.

Mills-Novoa, M., M.J. Boone, Z. Brown, and B. Bryan. 2016. “How Montana’s Farmers and Ranchers can be at the Forefront of Addressing Climate Change.” One Montana, Bozeman, MT. 22 pp.


Aig, D., M.J. Boone, M. Mills-Novoa, H. Sindelar, M. Hockett, C. Harvey, N. Norby, J.

Portuondo, and J. Goodwin. 2017. Video. “Montana Climate Assessment: Climate.”


Aig, D., M.J. Boone, M. Mills-Novoa, M. Hockett, C. Harvey, and J. Goodwin. 2017. Video. “Montana Climate Assessment: Water.”


Aig, D., M.J. Boone, M. Mills-Novoa, H. Sindelar, C. Harvey, and J.Goodwin. 2017. Video. “Montana Climate Assessment: Agriculture.”

Conference Presentations

Boone, M.J. 2020. “Unpacking Inter- and Transdisciplinary Science: What Do They Mean to Water Issues and How Do We Achieve Them?” Montana Water Summit. Helena, MT.


Boone, M.J. 2017. “Lower Gallatin Drought Vulnerability Assessment Project.” Montana Association of Conservation Districts Annual Convention. Bozeman, MT.


Boone, M.J. 2016. “Climate Resilience in Montana Agriculture.” Montana Watershed

Coordinating Council Watershed Symposium. Billings, MT.


Boone, M.J. 2014. “The role of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) as a potential seed disperser for the anachronistic fruit, the American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana).” National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Lexington, KY.


Honors and Awards:

2014: Phi Beta Kappa Society

2013: Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society


Community Service:

·         2019 – Present: Board of Directors, Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO)

·         2018 – 2020: Member, Education and Outreach Committee, Gallatin Watershed Council