Bree is a PhD student in the Department of Earth Sciences where she studies snow & water supply through various methods. She hopes to improve current remote sensing technologies so that communities can better prepare for natural disasters such as flood and drought. Bree also works for the USDA-NRCS as a Soil Conservation/GIS Specialist, covering fourteen of Montana's counties where she assists field offices with conservation on the ground. Born and raised in Oregon she started her academic career by earning a Bachelors of Science from University of Oregon, and then a Masters of Science from Montana State University where she studied hydric soil development post stream restoration. In between these degrees she served in the US Peace Corps as an Agricultural Extension Officer in West Africa. Bree still actively volunteers by serving on her local mountain bike association board The Dirt Concern as their resident natural resource specialist, cartographer, and women's event coordinator. She is excited to be furthering her scientific capacity to give back to her local community.


Degree Sought:

Ph.D. Earth Sciences 


Dr. Eric Sproles

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