Degree Sought:

Ph.D. Earth Sciences Paleontology


David Varricchio

Research Project:

New ceratopsid dinosaurs (Ornithischia: Ceratopsidae) from the Upper Cretaceous De-na-zin Member of the Kirtland Formation, New Mexico: Evidence for high taxonomic diversity

Research Interests:

Mesozoic vertebrate faunas and paleoecology; paleobiogeography as influenced by paleogeography and paleoenvironment; phylogenetic systematics, taxonomy, and functional morphology. My current research is largely focused on the evolution and taxonomic diversity in several dinosaur groups of North America during the last 20 million years of the Cretaceous. This extensive research includes ankylosaurid, ceratopsid, dromaeosaurid, hadrosaurids, ornithomimids, troodontid, and tyrannosaurid dinosaurs. The main focus is on dinosaur faunas from the San Juan Basin in northwestern New Mexico and how these faunas and their respective taxa correlate with taxa from time equivalent Cretaceous localities in Montana and southern Alberta. 

Preferred Email Address:


M.Sc., Fort Hays State University, Department of Geosciences,                                               2011

B.Sc., University of Massachusetts, Department of Geosciences,                                             2006

Published Research:

Dalman, S.G., Loewen, M.A., Pyron, R.A., Jasinski, S.E., Malinzak, D.E., Lucas, S.G., Fiorillo, A.R.,  

              Currie, P.J., and Longrich, N.R. 2024. A giant tyrannosaur from the Campanian–Maastrichtian of  

              southern North America and the evolution of tyrannosaurid gigantism. Nature Scientific Reports, 



Jasinski, S.E., Sullivan, R.M., Carter, A.M., Johnson, E.H., Dalman, S.G., Zariwala, J., and Currie, P.J.

  1. Anatomy and reassessment of Dineobellatornotohesperus, a southern eudromaeosaur

               (Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae: Eudromaeosauria) from the latest Cretaceous of New Mexico.

               Anatomical Records DOI: 10.1002/ar.25103.


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Malinzak, D.E., Lucas, S.G. 2024. A reassessment of the putative

               tyrannosauroid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Raritan Formation of New Jersey, USA.

               Cretaceous Research (in review/in progress)


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Malinzak, D.E., Lucas, S.G. 2024. A new ornithomimid dinosaur

              (Theropoda: Ornithomimidae) from the Navesink Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of New Jersey,

              USA. Cretaceous Research (in review/in progress)


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Loewen, M.A., Lucas, S.G., Malinzak, D.E., Fiorillo, A.R., and Currie, P.J.

  1. Atroxicarius eversor, a new tyrannosaurid from the Ojo Alamo Formation (Upper

               Cretaceous) of New Mexico, USA, new insights into the evolution of bistahiversorin 

               tyrannosaurids in North America. Anatomical Records (in review/in progress)


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Lucas, S.G., Malinzak, D.E., Loewen, M.A., Fiorillo, A.R., Currie, P.J. 2024.

               Bistityrannus anax, a new tyrannosaurid from the Kirtland Formation

               (Upper Cretaceous) of northwestern New Mexico. Cretaceous Research (in review/in progress)


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Loewen, M.A., Malinzak, D.E., Currie, P.J., Fiorillo, A.R., Lucas, S.G. 2024.

               Erinotonax sabathi, a new tyrannosaurid from the Fruitland Formation

               (Upper Cretaceous) of New Mexico, USA, insights into the evolution, diversity, and

               paleogeography of tyrannosaurids in North America. PeerJ (in review/in progress)


Dalman, S.G. Jasinski, S.E., Lucas, S.G., Malinzak, D.E., Loewen, M.A., Fiorillo, A.R. and Currie, P.J. 2024. Denazinosaurus sicarius, a new tyrannosaurid from the Kirtland Formation (De-na-zin Member) Upper Cretaceous of New Mexico, USA. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (in review/in progress).


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Lucas, S.G., and Malinzak, D.E. 2024. Evidence for high taxonomic and morphologic ceratopsid diversity in the (Early Maastrichtian) San Juan Basin Naashoibito Member of the Ojo Alamo Formation, New Mexico. Cretaceous Research (in review/in progress).


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Malinzak, D.E., and Lucas, S.G. 2024. The taxonomic validity of Titanoceratops ouranos a large triceratopsin from the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation of New Mexico. Cretaceous Research (in review/in progress)


Dalman, S.G., Loewen, M.A., Jasinski, S.E., Malinzak, D.E., Currie, P.J., Fiorillo, A.R., Lucas, S.G. 2024. A new tyrannosaurine from the Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta, Canada, provides insights into the evolution and diversity of Daspletosaurini in North America. PeerJ (in review/in progress).


Dalman, S.G., Loewen, M.A., Jasinski, S.E., Malinzak, D.E., Lucas, S.G., Currie, P.J. 2024. A new tyrannosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of Montana, USA provides support for anagenesis in Daspletosaurini clade. Scientific Reports Nature (in review/in progress)


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G. 2021. New evidence for cannibalism in tyrannosaurid dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 84, p. 77-94.

Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., and Lucas, S.G. 2022. A new chasmosaurine ceratopsid from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Farmington Member of the Kirtland Formation, New Mexico: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 90, p. 127-153.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G. 2022. Lower Jurassic tracksites from southwestern Massachusetts: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 90, p. 119-125.


Dalman, S.G., Lucas, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., and Nicholas R. Longrich. 2022.  Sierraceratops turneri ceratopsid from the Hall Lake Member of the McRae Formation (Late Cretaceous, Maastrichtian), south-central New Mexico, USA. Cretaceous Research , 130, 105034.


Dalman, S.G., Lucas, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., Lichtig, A.J., and Dodson, P. 2021. A new ceratopsid dinosaur from the Allison Member of the Menefee Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Early Campanian), northwestern New Mexico, USA. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, p.1-45.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2018, Tyrannosaurid dinosaurs (Theropoda: Tyrannosauridae) from the

Upper Cretaceous (Early Campanian) Allison Member of the Menefee Formation, New Mexico: Implications for the origin of Tyrannosauridae in North America: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 79, p. 99-112.


Dalman, S.G. Hodnett, J.P., Lichtig, A.J., and Lucas, S.G., 2018, A new ceratopsid dinosaur

(Centrosaurinae: Nasutoceratopsini) from the Fort Crittenden Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of Arizona: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 79, p. 141-164.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2018, New evidence for predatory behavior in tyrannosaurid dinosaurs

from the Kirtland Formation (Late Cretaceous, Campanian), northwestern New Mexico: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 79, p. 113-124.


Dalman, S.G., Lucas, S.G., and Malinzak, D.E., 2018, Tyrannosaurid teeth from the Upper Cretaceous

(Campanian) Two Medicine Formation of Montana: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 79, p. 125-139.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G. 2017. On the dentary in the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum of

               Gorgosaurus libratus. Memoire of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum 16:17-27


Dalman, S.G., Jasinski, S.E., and Lucas, S.G. 2017. First occurrence of a tyrannosauroid theropod from the

                lower Campanian Merchantville Formation of Delaware. Memoire of the Fukui Prefectural    

                Dinosaur Museum 16:29-38.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G. 2016. Tyrannosaurid teeth from the Claggett Formation of the Elk Basin, Late Cretaceous of Western North America. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 71, p. 83-89.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G. 2016. Frederic Brewster Loomis and the 1924 Amherst College Paleontological Expedition to the San Juan Basin, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 74, p. 61-66.


Lucas, S.G. and Dalman, S.G., 2016, The Early Cretaceous Clayton Lake Dinosaur Tracksite, Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 74, p. 127-140.


Lucas, S.G., Dalman, S.G., and Sullivan, R.M., 2016, Cretaceous dinosaur footprints from Sierra County, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 74, p. 151-152.


Lucas, S.G., Sullivan, R.M., Lichtig, A.J., Dalman, S.G., and Jasinski, S.E., 2016, Late Cretaceous

dinosaur biogeography and endemism in the Western Interior Basin, North America: A critical re-

evaluation. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 71, p. 195-213.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G. 2015. New data on the tyrannosaurid theropods from the middle Campanian Lower Judith River Formation of north-central Montana. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 68:77-89.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G. 2015. Lower Jurassic Arthropod Resting trace from the Hartford Basin of Massachusetts. Ichnos, 22:177-182.


Galton, P.M., Carpenter, K., and Dalman, S.G. 2015. The holotype pes of the Morrison dinosaur Camptonotus amplus Marsh, 1879 (Upper Jurassic, western USA) – is it Camptosaurus, Sauropoda or Allosaurus? N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 275/3, 317-335.


Dalman, S.G. 2014.  Osteology of a large allosauroid theropod from the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) Morrison Formation of Colorado, USA. Volumina Jurassica, XII (2):159-180.


Dalman, S.G. 2014. New data on small theropod dinosaurs from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Como Bluff, Wyoming, USA. Volumina Jurassica, XII (2):181-196.


Dalman, S.G. 2013. New examples of Tyrannosaurus rex from the Lance Formation of Wyoming, United States. Bulletin of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History 54:241-255.


Dalman, S.G. and Weems, R.E. 2013. A new look at morphological variation in the ichnogenus Anomoepus, with special reference to material from the Lower Jurassic Newark Supergroup: implications for ichnotaxonomy and ichnodiversity. Bulletin of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History 54 (1):67-124.


Dalman, S.G., Voigt, S. and Lucas, S.G. 2013. A rare example of Ichniotherium (Pohlig, 1892) with body/tail impression from the Bromacker locality of Germany. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 60:70-72.


Lucas, S.G. and Dalman, S.G. 2013. Alfred King's Pennsylvanian tetrapod footprints from western Pennsylvania. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 60:233-239.


Dalman, S.G. 2012. New data on small theropod footprints from the Early Jurassic (Hettangian) Hartford Basin of Massachusetts, United States. Bulletin of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History 53:333-353.


Published Scientific Abstracts:

Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2018, A new tyrannosaurid dinosaur from the De-na-zin Member of the Kirtland Formation (Late Cretaceous, Campanian), Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Proceedings Volume, p. 22A.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2018, New evidence for predatory behavior in tyrannosaurid dinosaurs from the Farmington Sandstone Member of the Kirtland Formation (Late Cretaceous, Campanian) Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Proceedings Volume, p. 23A.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2018, Maxillary and dentary morphology distinguishes the Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurid dinosaur Nanotyrannus lancensis as a valid taxon and not a juvenile of Tyrannosaurus rex. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 50, n. 5.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2017, A new chasmosaurine ceratopsid from the Hall Lake Member of the McRae Formation (Maastrichtian), South-Central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Proceedings Volume, p.23A.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2017, New evidence for cannibalism in tyrannosaurid dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Proceedings Volume, p.24A.


Lucas, S.G., Dalman, S.G., Lichtig, A.J., Elrick, S., Nelson, W.J., and Krainer, K., 2017, Stratigraphy and age of the dinosaur-dominated fossil assemblage of the upper Cretaceous Hall Lake Member of the McRae Formation, Sierra County, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Proceedings Volume, p.47A.


 Lucas, S.G. Dalman, S.G., Lichtig, A.J., Elrick, S.D., Nelson, W.J., and Krainer, K., 2017,   Stratigraphic distribution and age of the dinosaurs of the upper Cretaceous Hall Lake Member of the McRae Formation, Sierra County, New Mexico: Journal of  Vertebrate Paleontology


Dalman, S.G., Cantrell, A.K., Suazo, T.L., and Lucas, S.G., 2016, First record of a tyrannosaurid theropod (Dinosauria) from the Lower Campanian Menefee Formation, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Proceedings Volume, p.16A.


Dalman, S.G. and Lucas, S.G., 2016, Frederic Brewster Loomis’ 1924 Amherst College Paleontological Expedition to the San Juan Basin, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Proceedings Volume, p. 17A.


Jasinski, S.E., Sullivan, R.M., Snively, E., Morschhouser, E.M, Dalman, S.G., and Dodson, P. 2016. Theropods (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and implications for Late Cretaceous theropod faunas of Laramidia: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 


Dalman, S.G., Paulina-Carabajal, A. and Currie, P.J. 2012. A new large-bodied theropod dinosaur from the Upper Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic, Tithonian) of Colorado. Journal of VertebratePaleontology 32(3):51A


Dalman, S.G. and Gishlick, A. 2011. Theropod material from Lameta, India, in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History and its bearing on the diagnosis and phylogenetic and taxonomic status of Indosuchus raptorius. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 31(3): 50A


Dalman, S.G. 2006. Footprint morphology and biomechanics of small ornithischian dinosaur ichnogenus Anomoepus from the Lower Jurassic of western Massachusetts. Journal of VertebratePaleontology 26(3):50A


Niedźwiedzki, G., Pieńkowski, G. and Dalman, S.G. 2006. Gigantic theropod dinosaur tracks in the Lower Jurassic of Poland and northeastern United States. Przeglad Geologiczny Vol. IV 123


Dalman, S.G. 2005. A small ornithischian dinosaur footprint assemblage from the Early Jurassic, Holyoke, Massachusetts. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3):49A


Dalman, S.G. 2004. Dinosaur and nondinosaurian footprints from the Early Jurassic, Granby, Massachusetts. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(3):50A


Dalman,S.G. and Getty, P.R. 2003. A study of small dinosaur footprints (Anomoepus) from the Early Jurassic Gary Gaulin tracksite, Holyoke, Massachusetts. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology23(3): 44A