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This page is made available by the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education.

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For Additional Information Contact:

Dr. Jioanna Carjuzaa



Dr. Bill Ruff



Dr. David Henderson


Frequently Asked Questions

Can the CLDE coursework be applied to an ESL endorsement or other graduate degrees?

Yes. Completers will be able to apply this coursework towards a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction at MSU or towards an endorsement in English as-a-second language (ESL) at other educational institutions outside Montana that offer such endorsements.

Are the video tapes of my classes and my interactions with my Instructional Coach confidential?

Yes. The video tapes and content are strictly between the teacher and the Instructional Coach; they will not be released to any school administrators or project administrators, nor will the tapes be used for research data. All content of the tapes will be deleted after the discussion with the Instructional Coach. Finally, the teacher will choose the lessons to be videotaped. These tapes are only for teacher development and not research or evaluation.

What does the $2000 summer stipend cover?

The intent of the stipend is to offset participant expenses while attending summer courses in Bozeman for two weeks (i.e. travel, lodging, food) as well as compensate teachers for their time/effort. The stipend was calculated based on MSU campus housing costs. See 2017 Summer Housing: 



Project Overview

A collaborative project among the following Montana Secondary Schools: Billings, Box Elder, Bozeman, Browning, Laurel, Lodge Grass, Wyola, and St. Labre and the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education (CBME) at Montana State University in Bozeman

• The project is designed to increase secondary classroom teachers’ ability to improve the academic English language proficiency of English Language Learners (ELLs) in high-density American Indian schools.

• The number of ELLs in classrooms across the U. S. is at an all-time high (Hayes, Rueda, & Chilton, 2009).

• American Indian ELLs are underserved (Carjuzaa & Ruff, 2016).

• It is estimated that by 2025 one out of every four students in K-12 public school classrooms across the United States will be an ELL (NEA, 2008).


Content on this archived page is no longer maintained.
This page is made available by the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education.

Page Two

Project Highlights and Benefits

• Earn a graduate certificate in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE)

• 12 Graduate Credits taken over two summers at MSU in Bozeman

• Tuition and fees paid including all admissions fees

• Books and all necessary course materials and supplies will be provided

• Summer and school year stipends to offset the costs of attending classes in the summer as well as compensate for additional time/effort

• Instructional Coaching provided for each participant over two school years focused on relationality and sheltered instruction pedagogy

• Participation in Family Engagement Circles of Trust (COT) retreats using the Family Education Model (FEM)


• Be a certified secondary teacher (6th grade through high school) in a core curricular area at one of the partner schools


Spring 2019

• Complete MontTELLs Statement of Interest

• Take Praxis ESOL 5362 Exam (grant paid)

• Apply to MSU Graduate School

• Register for summer courses

Summer 2019

EDU 511ESL: Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K -12 Students EDU 512 Literacy Development for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K -12 Students

Fall/Spring 2019 -20, 2020 - 21

• Work with Instructional Coach

• Participate in Family Engagement COT Retreat s for teacher participants and Community and Family members; fall and spring retreats

Summer 2020

EDU 513 Assessment of ELLs

EDU 514 Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Practice Participant Responsibilities 


Participant Responsibilities

• Read and Sign Participant Consent Form

• Register and take Praxis ESOL 5362 Exam online at:

• Have students’ families take School/Family Trust Survey in early Fall 201 9

• Apply to MSU Graduate School as a Certificate seeking student at: hool/admissions/apply.html

• Enroll and fully engage in summer coursework

• Videotape two lessons per month (equipment will be provided) for first academic year and two lesson s per semester for second academic year to discuss with an Instructional Coach

• Participate in Family Engagement COT retreats


Content on this archived page is no longer maintained.
This page is made available by the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education.