Here are your Monday Minutes for June 1 – June 5, 2020.

Happy summer break, everyone! Stay safe this summer, and we'll see you in the fall! (In the meantime, you can expect to hear from us on a pretty regular basis.)

Welcome From the Department Head

Today is my first day as Head of the Department of Education. I am so excited to serve our students, staff, and faculty in this capacity. While there is much uncertainty during this time, thanks to our collaborative and supportive approach, I am confident that we can rise to any challenge before us. My leadership philosophy is based upon communication, collaboration, and consensus and a deep commitment to the success of the department, college, and university in support of our land-grant mission. That being said, organizations are made of people. Your well-being is my number one priority. Make sure to “put on your oxygen mask first” and please reach out if you need anything at all. My job is to support your success!

Finally, over the past week, the tragic death of George Floyd sparked demonstrations across the world and here in Bozeman. This traumatic event may have impacted you, your loved ones, or your students. As education professionals, we have the responsibility to examine our own beliefs and privilege. I invite you to view the Anti-Racist Syllabus developed by Ibram X. Kendi, director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University, and check out a book or two from the MSU Renne Library or your public library. Montana Library2Go has many of these titles as e-books. I also invite you to engage in a reflective exercise by thinking about anti-racist teacher preparation and share your anti-racist confession, for “Being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination. If the heartbeat of racism is denial, and the heartbeat of antiracism is confession, awareness and confession must be an active, normal part of our journey to be antiracist” (Kendi and ARPC, 2020).

Take good care,

Ann Dutton Ewbank's signature

Ann Ewbank

From the Advising Office

  • The Political Science department has added a second section of Intro to American Government to be taught online this summer by Jessi Bennion (who taught Politics of Rural Development this past spring).
  • Anyone concerned about COVID-19/coronavirus can find up-to-date information on MSU’s COVID-19 webpage.

Scholarship Opportunities

The Student Emergency Fund assists Montana State University students by providing limited emergency financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses due to an unexpected emergency. For more information on possible expenses covered by the Student Emergency Fund (SEF), please visit the SEF webpage. Students may complete the Student Emergency Fund application to submit a request or faculty and staff may submit a request on behalf of students.

Small Town Scholarship -- For real, there's a scholarship specifically for students who live in a town of less than 10,000 people. If you live in a state like Montana or Maine, that's most of the state. wants to learn how the digital divide is impacting the education of students who live in rural areas. Satellite Internet wants to use this annual scholarship to empower rural students to achieve their dreams. Deadline: July 1, 2020. Apply at

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

  • Spring 2020 graduates’ Reflective Educator Project presentations are available for your viewing. Let’s thank Gini Mohr and the REP team for their diligence in ensuring continued quality and rigor of the REP!


Take care,

David Reese
Academic Advisor
MSU Department of Education

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