• TT Faculty Augmented Salary Options
    • Incentive Program for Researchers - offers annual bonus-type payments to faculty who charge federal grants for their time
    • Summer salary
      • Be sure to contact JobsEHHD@montana.edu by early May to institute summer salary (max allowed is 3/9 of your AY base salary when summer support is partially or wholly grant-funded)
    • Course Releases
      • See course release policy if you want to plan for this – requires dept head approval
      • Ensure that your buyout is funded at the proper rate according to the policy
  •  Hiring
    • Note: Hiring planning or processes should begin with your Department Operations Manager.
    • Note: A course release/buyout NEVER pays for your teaching replacement unless the grant explicitly states that it’s paying for teaching a course to further the grant’s purposes. The grant personnel are paid on the grant, and the state savings are used for course teaching through the department. 
    • A grant may only pay for the promises made in the proposal that specifically pertain to fulfilling the aims!
    • In hiring GRAs (Graduate Research Assistants), you must meet minimum EHHD pay rate expectations (see the GRA Policy)
  • Provide information on hiring plans to JobsEHHD@montana.edu. GRA – meet minimum EHHD pay rate expectations (see the GRA Policy)
  • For student hires include:
    • Employee Name
    • Last 4 GID
    • Employee email
    • Employee phone
    • Supervisor
    • Timesheet org (department)
    • Hiring dept
    • Grant Index number
    • Duties
    • Start and end dates
    • Total budget
    • Monthly/hourly rate
    • In-state Graduate Assistant Tuition Award (GATA) designation?
    • Tuition waiver?
    • Waiver $ or # credit waiver
    • Work-study?
    • Hours/week
  • For staff positions, start by contacting JobsEHHD@montana.edu to discuss position description and hiring process.
  • Be aware that Fair Labor Standards Act has changed how jobs are categorized, may be overtime eligible. Position descriptions have to meet a duties test and a salary test (federal law).
  • Pay scales for classified staff type jobs are set by MSU – you can’t choose your own pay rate.
  • Terminating
    • Must notify JobsEHHD@montana.edu of termination date a couple months before the job ends (Personnel sets up employees as on-going)
  • Time & Effort – it’s the PI’s responsibility to be prepared should an auditor knock at your door
    • Time tracking spreadsheet template available for staff working on multiple grants
  • If you are supervising employees, email jobsEHHD@montana.edu to ask to be made the approver for timecards ("Z-org" assignment).