A key element of a proficiency-based approach is having a clear, well-articulated, transparent summary of the expectations for learners. A Graduate Profile (also known as "profile of a graduate" and "profile of a learner") provides this summary. It is accessible to the learner, their parents, teachers, trustees, and administrators so everyone knows what is expected of the learner. In this way it serves as the "anchor" to a learner's educational experience.

Follow this link to the Montana OPI Graduate Profile.

This link, developed by Drs. Hailey Hancock and Jeannie Chips, provides instructions and resources for developing a Profile of a Graduate.


Example: Profile of a Graduate (draft) - East Helena High School


  • Accountable for actions
  • Disciplined
  • Reliable
  • Forward thinker
  • Engaged


  • Basic soft skills
  • Appropriate technology use
  • Sound reasoning skills
  • Respect for self and others
  • Clearly articulate ideas

Critical Thinker

  • Problem solving skills
  • Ability to apply learned content
  • Abilith to reason
  • Acceptance of ideas outside their own
  • Stays informed and recognizes reliable information


  • Build positive relationships
  • Takes responsibility for actions
  • Quality work ethic
  • Decision makers
  • Builds on strengths and weaknesses

Contact Principal Brian Kessler (bkessler@ehps.k12.mt.us) for more information.