Montana 4-H has proudly partnered with NorthernAg Network and Northern News Network to highlight the contributions and accomplishments of 4-H members across the state.  

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Living the 4-H Principles

Each month, three members are selected from across Montana (western, central, and eastern) for the 4-H Member Spotlight. Youth are nominated because they exemplify the principles of 4-H:

Head –  

4-H'ers demonstrate learning and an aptitude for personal growth in their 4-H projects or in other capacities. They use this mindset to better themselves, their club, community, country, or world. 

Heart –  

4-H'ers demonstrate leadership, loyalty, and the six Pillars of Character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship) for themselves, their club, community, country, or world. 

Hands –  

4-H'ers act as informed citizens: They give to others in their club and community to serve their community, country, or world. 

Health –  

4-H'ers demonstrate dedication to maintaining mental and physical health as well as the health of their club, community, country, or world. 



Montana 4-H Foundation


Proudly Sponsored by:

Montana 4-H Foundation


4-H Member Spotlights: July 2024

We are proud of the learning, leadership, service, and citizenship these Montana 4-H youth exemplify as they enrich our Montana communities.  

Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments. 


Molly Arnold

Molly Arnold

Eastern Region

Molly Arnold is involved in horse, leather, quilting, and woodworking projects.

She loves to learn about her projects through workshops and enters at least one item from each project into the fair. As an accomplished woodworker, she has won Best in Show multiple times. Molly learns about different countries and cultures through 4-H International Exchange Programs. 

Molly demonstrates loyalty and care as a friend, sister, and older club member. She helps others with their animals at fair and demonstrates respect and fairness while competing, interacting with judges, and communicating with other competitors. She demonstrates citizenship by educating people about 4-H and completing service projects.  

Of the four H's, she beautifully embodies "Heart." She saw someone in the pig barn after the market that was sad about their animal being sold, so she put her arms around them and gave them a big hug. She has a bright smile and pure heart! 

Molly demonstrates gratitude and positive mental health by helping others have positive attitudes. She does not complain about doing hard work. 

Katelyn Suta

Katelyn Suta

Central Region

Katelyn is involved in market hog, market goat, leadership, and archery projects.  

She educates herself on the best feed routine for her hogs and goats and constantly works with her animals. She works with younger 4-H members and has taught several project days in relation to hogs, leadership, archery, and more 

She successfully organized and funded a project to bring a new show ring and holding stalls to her 4-county fair by completing grants, locating sponsors, and fundraising. She organized both a sellers' meet and greet before the fair sale and a cheesecake booth fundraiser for the local 4-H Council.  

Suta uses her 4-H leadership projects to help others in Glacier County and along the hi-line. She betters our local fair and locates support for 4-H. She is one of the first to volunteer when needed. 

Grace Parret

Grace Parret

Western Region

Grace is involved in market swine, woodworking, rabbit, vet science, photography, cooking, sewing, babysitting, and family adventures.  

She was shy when she started 4-H and has since learned to speak confidently in public. She has won rabbit showmanship awards at the Tri County Fair three years in a row.  This built her confidence to the extent that she presented a proposal to the Philipsburg Town Council for a variance to have a market pig within Town limits. The Town Council said they wished more students would become involved in 4-H and learn to speak as eloquently as she did. Grace made such a huge impression on the Town Council that they granted her the variance. 

As the oldest member in her 4-H club, she mentors younger members and has served as the club treasurer for the last three years. She volunteers with the local food pantry, delivering food to people in need, and helps the local VFW place flags on Veteran gravesites for Memorial Day.  

Parret has dyslexia and does not let this hold her back. She is on the high honor roll and Junior National Honor Society. She participates in high school volleyball, basketball, and plays the bass clarinet in band.  She works hard and shows great character.


4-H Member Spotlight with green 4-H four-leaf clover



You are welcome to nominate more than one 4-H member;complete the form once per nominee.