2024 Outbound International Exchange Programs for Youth

Costa Rica Delegates at the airport in States 4-H t-shirts

Are you curious about daily life, culture, and youth programs in other countries?

Travel abroad with States’ 4-H and enter a world that most tourists rarely get to see.

Program Details

States’ 4-H Summer Outbound programs provide American 4-H youth with the opportunity to travel to foreign countries for a  month-long cultural immersion experience. Delegates live with volunteer host families and engage in experiential learning about a new way of life.
Delegates experience aspects of daily life that allow them to more deeply understand both their host culture and their own culture. Our network of like-minded international partners recruit host families and plan enrichment activities. 


2024 Travel Dates

Japan 8-week: June 12-August 9, 2024 

Argentina: June 20-July 15, 2024 

Costa Rica: June 20-July 19, 2024 

Norway: June 20-July 20, 2024 

Japan 4-week: July 10-August 9, 2024 

South Korea: July 16-August 15, 2024 

Taiwan: July 16-August 15, 2024 

*Program dates subject to slight change or modification


4-H youth ages 12 - 17 for South Korea, ages 12 - 18 for Japan 4-week and Taiwan, and ages 15 - 18 for Japan 8-week, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Norway

Program Information

  • Adult chaperones accompany the group during international travel and remain in-country to provide support.
  • States’ 4-H provides Program Handbooks that cover everything from packing lists to financial matters to cultural information.
  • States’ 4-H conducts group conference calls and a National Departure Orientation prior to international travel.
  • No prior language study is required, but it certainly is helpful! Our international partners have English-speaking staff on hand to assist you in communication.


Program Fees Include

Welcome packet; overnight national departure orientation; arrival orientation in host country; portion of chaperone fee; Accident & Sickness Medical Insurance;
in-country transportation, lodging, and meals while on-program; country-specific activities as determined by international partner organizations. 


Application Deadline

Summer 2024 Outbound Programs Application deadline has closed.

Summer 2025 Outbound Programs Application deadline will be Fall 2024.

If interested and to request more information, contact:

Christine Sommers-Austin

International Program Specialist

4-H Center for Youth Development





Costa Rica delegates ziplining

Chaperone Opportunities

Chaperones accompany a group of national delegates to a specified country for one month every summer. Chaperone applications are reviewed by States' 4-H International Education Programs (S4-HIEP) and decisions are made by early March. Chaperones provide conference call orientations, assist with national and in-country orientations, participate in all exchange program activities such as 4-H camps or other field trips, and are available, by phone, to assist host families throughout the exchange. Chaperones also stay with host families for the duration of the exchange.

Who are the chaperones?

Any adult who is 25 years of age or older and involved in Montana 4-H are eligible to chaperone. Those applying to chaperone the Costa Rica program must speak basic Spanish.

What does it cost?

Chaperones pay a percentage of the program fee (30-40%). The total cost does not include personal expenses such as passport, visa (if required), spending money, etc.

How can I apply?

Contact the 4-H Center for Youth Development International Program Coordinator, Christine Sommers-Austin, at 406-994-3504 or c.sommersaustin@montana.edu 

View the Outbound Chaperone Description for further details.