Summer Hosting Opportunities

Costa Rica, Japan, Finland, Norway, South Korea, IPYA (not all programs are available every year). 

International delegates come to the United States for one month every summer. They come to experience the everyday life of families around the country. Host families must have children within two years of age as the delegate they host and the same gender. No special activities are necessary as the exchange emphasizes friendship and learning culture through immersion, not sightseeing. Delegates travel with adult chaperones who stay in-state for the duration of the exchange. Delegates have their own spending money and health insurance.

Who are the delegates?

Delegates are 12-26 years old, depending on the program. See below for 2020 program (July 22-August 17)


Nona, 12 - Enjoys playing tag, talking with friends and family, loves animals and small children, runs track and field

Kae, 13 -Reading comic books, watching anime, drawing pictures and listening to music, excited to try American food, plays piano

Mei, 12 - Ballet, skateboarding, playing with younger children, watching baseball, climbing, calligraphy, camping, animals

Hana, 12 - Reading fantasy books, hiking, camping, playing with animals (especially dogs), drawing, making crafts

Kiri, 13 - Loves animals, good at singing and likes to sing, sewing, ballet

Nagisa, 13 - Running and cooking, playing with animals, origami, playing piano, football, climbing

Mao, 13 - Swimming, camping, cooking, playing sports, reading comics and drawing, playing piano

Ayumi, 13 - Taking pictures, comics, playing games, Disney, animals

Yuna, 13 - Badminton, eating, listening to music, foreign language, baseball and basketball

Yu, 13 - Cooking, animals, singing, volleyball and other athletics

Haruna, 12 - Singing songs, baseball, reading, badminton


Yuki, 12 - Drawing, dancing, watching and playing sports, making crafts, playing card games, going on picnic

Issei, 14 - Enjoys reading--novels and series, playing video games, likes social studies

Kenta, 12 - Crafting (electronic and wood work), cooking, playing video games, board games and card games

Tokiharu, 13 - Playing ping-pong, swimming, playing the piano, fishing

Hayuma, 14 - Playing basketball, soccer, and video games, likes art, interested in world history, dogs and cats

Aito, 13 - Listening to music, interested in American pop-music, playing videogames, likes trains, plays piano

Noburu, 14 - Sports (baseball), riding bikes and playing games, plays tennis, soccer, ping-pong

Hikaru, 13 - Basketball, musicals (The Greatest Showman, Lala Land), plays, playing with animals


Hiromi, F, 59 - Crafting, making accessories, cooking, playing the piano, singing, making sweets

What will it cost our family?
This is a volunteer program so families are not reimbursed for hosting. Expenses are limited to the extra cost for food and utilities related to having another person in your home.

Do we need to plan special activities?

No. The delegates are expected to participate in family activities, to help with chores and would like to be treated as a member of the family. Planning special activities is an option, but not required.

How can I apply?

Contact the 4-H Center for Youth Development International Program Coordinator, Dave Brink,  at 406-822-3547 or your County Extension Agent or go to to complete an application. 

For more information regarding this program please contact Dave Brink,