March 2022 Newsletter (Printable PDF)

Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Are you ready for SPRING yet? Here at the office we are definitely ready for warmer days and enjoying the great outdoors!  Community service is a great way to shake off the winter blues, get outside and lend a helping hand to our community.

If your clubs participates in a community service project, please take photos and let the Fallon County Ambassadors and Extension Office know so that we can use it to help promote 4-H and your club could win a pizza party! If you have any questions or are in need of some service project ideas, contact the office.

Kodie, Amanda, & Jaden

For My Club, My Community, My Country, and My World

If you have ever heard or said the 4-H pledge, you will know that 4-H is focused on serving all, including our Club, Community, Country, and World. But have you ever thought about what you could do to help out? The Fallon County Ambassador team has you covered!! This year we are doing a service project titled: For my Club, my Community, my Country and my World. We are going to take each part and help in some way!

Club: Helping others is helping yourself! Help us help others! We challenge each club to take on a service project. If you submit a summary of what you did for your service project by June 1st, we will select one club to receive a pizza party at their club meeting.

Community: We would like to raise $200.00 to donate to help those in need of winter items. The money we raise will go to Russels for anyone who is in need.

Country: Our goal is to raise $500.00 to help Sacred Mountain Retreat Center. This money will go toward past or present service members who have received puppies through SMRC’s Puppies for Hero’s program. We will buy treats, toys, collars, leashes, and a bag of food for these owners/puppies

World: We have set our goal at $1,000.00 to donate to the Heifer International Organization. This organization provides support by providing an agriculture item such as animals to families in need.

The ambassador team would love your help! Donators will be recognized at fair for their support. If you have any questions or would like to donate please contact Kodie at the Extension Office (406) 778-7110.


Would you like to help a 4-H member have a blast at Camp? If so, becoming a Southeastern Montana 4-H Camp Teen Counselor is an excellent way to complete that goal! 

Applications were sent to all 4-H senior members that are eligible to become counselors and are available at your Extension Office or on the Extension website at

Requirements for being a camp counselor are: 

  • Applicant must be 14 years old as of October 1, 2021,
  • Must be in their freshman year of high school or higher.

Applications are due to the Prairie County Extension Office by March 15, 2022. No payment will be required at the time of application but once counselors are selected, you will need to fill out a  regular camp registration. Payment will be due at that time.

If you have any questions, please contact the Fallon/Carter Extension Office.

Southeastern Montana 4-H Camp

 June 6-10, 2022 -Camp Needmore

“4-H Camp Aloha”

$70.00 - 4-H Campers

$30.00 - Adult Counselors

$30.00 - Teen Leaders

Who attends:

3rd-6th Graders from Custer, Dawson, Fallon-Carter, Garfield, McCone, Powder River, Wibaux, Prairie, & Rosebud-Treasure Counties

Travel Arrangements:

Travel to and from Camp is the responsibility of parents and/or clubs from each county.

Camp Activities:

Campfires, singing, repelling, crafts, dancing,  nature hike, and LOTS OF FUN!

Registration forms will be sent to all eligible participants


APRIL 17TH—23RD, 2022

Nominate a 4-H volunteer and show them just what an impact they have had on you and your 4-H journey! Volunteers will be recognized during Volunteer Appreciation Week. One volunteer from each county will be chosen as the “Volunteer of the Day”  and all volunteers that are nominated will be in the running for the “Volunteer of the Year”. 


  • Write a 5-10 sentence explanation on why you think the volunteer should be nominated. You can include committees they have served on, workshops they hosted, or what they have done to help you.
  • Nomination explanations can also include funny stories or memories that you have shared with your volunteer.
  • If you have a picture of the volunteer please include it with your nomination.

Carter County Volunteers:

Lisa Borchgrevink               Melissa Johnston                                            Jennifer Schallenberger   

Rachel DeFord                      Misty Johnston                                                  Thebea Thomas 

Mikel Fruit                              Cam LaBree                                      Lucas Waterland

Crystal Higgins                     Camille Laughery                      Jennifer Williams

Sharon Higgins Terri Raye McInerney Andrew Wright

Fallon County Volunteers:

Molly Barkley                        Alissa Miller                       Carol Sparks

Jozell Brewer                         Kodie Olsen                       Cindy Stark

Shye Coulter                         Wanda Pinnow                              Brandon Steen

Stephanie Crisler                                 Toni Reetz                              Tara Turbiville

Britney Follmer                     Liz Roeder                    Tammy Witcher

Chad Follmer                         Jay Rost Michael Witcher

Jodee Hess Roddy Rost

Amanda Klaboe Juanita Rost

Mark Kirschten Jeremy Schallenberger

David Kono Nicole Siverson

Please submit nominations to the Extension office by April 1st. You can drop nominations off at the office or e-mail them to   If you have any questions, please contact the office.


Article By: Jaxyn Lyson 2021-22 Fallon County Ambassador

This year I went to the State horse show for 4-H and FFA kids. The horse show was in Joliet, MT and I used my horse Bonnie. I was super excited to go this year and I’m glad I went. We met a lot of great people and even saw some that we had shown with prior to that. I was nervous about going as I didn’t think I would be competitive at the state level.  But when I got there I realized that not only was I competitive but the other youth there were very friendly and I had nothing to worry about. I got 2nd in my equitation class, 5th in showmanship, and I was delighted to get that good of placings. I loved the experience of showing and it opened my eyes to see different people and ways of showing. I had the pleasure of meeting new people and getting tips from other leaders. It definitely made me want to take 4-H again. This is just one of the many great experiences with shows.


The Montana Symbol of Excellence (SOE) program annually recognizes both 4-H and FFA youth and swine breeders who raise market swine that meet carcass merit standards and who demonstrate a commitment to excellence in producing quality pork products. The SOE program was created through a partnership between Montana Pork Producers Council (MPPC) and MSU Extension before the Pork Act of 1985. MPPC with MSU Extension Swine Specialists Wayne Gipp and Walt Neuman developed the SOE program to highlight the hard work of both youth and swine breeders that continues today.

Carcass and ultrasound data were collected on 1,945 swine from across the state of Montana with 30% qualifying to be SOE swine in 2021. These swine were shown by 4-H and FFA youth who committed to the market swine project from beginning to end. The SOE standards are based upon live weight, hot carcass weight, back fat, loin area, marbling, color, wetness, muscle, and firmness.

“The number of swine reported for the Montana Symbol of Excellence increased from 2020 with many outstanding swine being shown by 4-H and FFA members across Montana” said Rose Malisani, MSU Cascade County Extension Agent and Montana Symbol of Excellence Coordinator. “You can see the hard work from across the state when you look at the quality pork products being produced.”

Congratulations to Jessica Stark for placing 1st in the ultrasound division!


The Carter County 4-H Shooting Stars hosted their eighth annual Invitational Shoot on February 4th and 5th, 2022 at the Fallon County Indoor Shooting Range and Fallon County Exhibit Hall. There were 78 4-H youth from Carter, Custer, Fallon, Powder River, Rosebud/Treasure, Musselshell, Sweetgrass, and Chouteau Counties that participated. Numerous individuals from Carter and Fallon County offered their support to the youth involved in the shooting sports program. Additionally, Fallon County 4-H Shooting Sports volunteered their time and knowledge to help with this event. The event would not have been possible without all the volunteers and the community support!

Carter County Shooting Stars are looking forward to next year’s invitational and growing and improving the 4-H Shooting Sports program in Southeastern Montana.

Carter County Youth Placing

Weston Strub- 1st Place- 11-12 Bow Hunter

Tristan Reynolds- 2nd Place-11-12 Bow Hunter

Maxton Williams- 2nd Place- 13-14- Limited

Ella Wright- 1st Place- 9-10- Unlimited



*  4-H fruit arrives at @ 8:00 am at the Fallon County Exhibit Hall

* All fruit will need to be sorted and picked up by 4-H members on March 16th by 5:30 pm.


* All fruit monies need to be turned into the Extension Office no later than 5:00 pm.  If you do not make these deadlines, your 10% will be donated to the Fallon County 4-H Council.


Fallon County Weed Department is looking for:

- Self motivated, eager to work youth (16 & over) and adults.

- You get to spend the summers working outside 40 hours a week weather permitting.

- Starting wages are $14.50/hour with the opportunity for raises when you return for another season.

- You have the ability to earn paid vacation time and sick leave.

For more information on this opportunity please call Sara Berger at 406-778-8131.