September 2022 Newsletter (Printable PDF)

Dear 4-H Families,

We hope that you all had a great time at fair and enjoyed the last bit of your summer! As we roll into Fall, we will be working on closing out one  4-H year and beginning a new one, so please take some time to review the requirements on completing your 4-H year. If you need to review a copy of the requirements it can be found in the county handbooks that are on our website

Please stop in or call the office to welcome our new administrative assistant Alexis Rising.


Please take the time to thank all of the volunteers and parents that helped make your 2022 fair a great time!

A list of others to thank has been sent to all the organizational leaders, make sure that you take the time to thank those on that list also.

Fair photos are available on the Fallon/Carter Extension Facebook page. You are welcome to use them for your record books!

The Montana State University Extension Service is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and Provider of Educational Outreach.


October 2nd– 8th– 2022

“Discover the Treasures of 4-H”

Show your 4-H pride during National 4-H Week!



Fallon and Carter County 4-H Clubs are encouraged to create window displays with the theme “Discover the Treasures of 4-H” during National 4-H Week to help promote 4-H. Windows will be judged Monday morning October 3rd.  Please contact the Extension Office with the following information.



  • E-mail the following information to by October 3rd before 9:00 am.– Group Name, Location, Description of display, Picture of Display, Picture of Display with club/members.
  • Entries will be judged on eye appeal, construction, use of materials, and creativity.
  • Fallon and Carter County displays will be judged together. Winners will be announced October 3rd, 2022. There will be prizes for the 1st– 3rd place designs.




Have you ever wanted to tell everyone about 4-H? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you to do just that!  Please submit an article that expresses “What 4-H means to Me” to the Extension Office by September 26, 2022. Winning article will be printed in the paper for National 4-H Week.


 Show your 4-H Pride by wearing Green on Wednesday October 5th.  All 4-H members, leaders, and non– 4-H  members are asked to wear green to school or work. Make sure that you take a photo and send it in to  or post to the Fallon/Carter County Extension Facebook page using the hashtag #Treasuresof4-H.


Tell a friend and help them learn about 4-H! Enrollment for the new 4-H year starts October 1st.


Throughout National 4-H Week, there will be a daily 4-H quiz and prize. So make sure you listen in and try to win the awesome 4-H prizes.



Do you want to be a leader and inspire youth around you? If so we have the perfect position for you, you can be a 4-H Ambassador!

For a full Ambassador guide please refer to the Carter and Fallon County handbooks that can be found on the Extension website or stop by or call the office.

Fallon County Requirements:

  • Applicant must be enrolled in 4-H for at least 2 years, must currently be enrolled and be in good standings.
  • Applicant must be 12 years of age or older by October 1.
  • Must have the time available to fulfill the role of an Ambassador.


Fallon County Application Deadline:

  • Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Carter County Requirements:

  • Applicant must be enrolled in 4-H for at least 2 years, must currently be enrolled and be in good standings.
  • Applicant must be 14 years of age or older by October 1.
  • Must have the time available to fulfill the role of an Ambassador.


Carter County Application Deadline:

  • Wednesday, September 21st, 2022



Carter County4-H & FFA Market Livestock members must complete their journals/records before their livestock check will be sent to them.


Fallon County4-H & FFA Market Livestock members must present a signed thank you addressed to their animal buyer(s) before they can pick up their livestock check at the Extension Office.


If you are interested in learning more about Livestock Judging and competing at the Black Hills Stock Show and other area competitions, contact the Extension Office and we will work on setting a practice schedule.



Hippology is an activity that can make learning fun for 4-H members, by letting them exhibit their knowledge and understanding of horse science and husbandry in a friendly but competitive setting.


Youth will compete as a team, a team consists of 3 or 4 members. Teams are broken down into two categories: junior 8-13 and senior 14 and older.


The contest has three different phases: 1. Written Test, 2. Station Identification, 3. Team Oral problem.



  1. Written test - Usually is a multiple choice, true/false, or fill in the blank type questions.
  2. Station Identification - Examples of stations which may be used include: parts of a saddle, tack, bits, grains and forages, age of a horse based on teeth, conformation faults, parts of a horse, or anatomy.
  3. Team Problem - All teams will be presented with one oral problem. Each team will have equal time to discuss among themselves a solution/answer to each problem. Teams will be given 5 minutes to prepare an oral solution/answer. Evaluation will be based on the understanding of the problem, completeness of the response, the probability of success of the solution, and participation by each team member. Examples of team problems: Balancing a horse’s ration, training and conditioning programs, correcting behavioral problems, or considerations for the establishment of a new horse facility.


Please contact the office by if you are interested in participating in this contest. If there is enough interest, a meeting will be held to set up practices and teams.


  • Enroll in 4-H and complete at least one project.
  • Complete records for 100% of projects enrolled in.
  • Submit records to your Organizational Leader by the 3rd Wednesday in September.

Records must be submitted and complete before receiving Fair Sale checks.

No credit for the 4-H Year for records book handed in after Oct. 1. 


Include “My 4-H Year” Record (green sheet)

  • Complete all sections in the “My 4-H Year” form with no obvious omissions.
  • Sign and date form where required.
  • Enter “none” for sections of the “My 4-H Year” form for which you have no entries.
  • List at least 3 goals for the 4-H Year. These should be non-project goals.  Examples: leadership, citizenship, community service, other.


Complete “Summary of 4-H Year”


Include “My Animal Project” (purple sheet) and “My Non-Animal Project” (blue sheet) for each project enrolled in.

  • List goals for each project.
  • Include at least 2 activities from project manual. * NEW*

(Activities, what you did, what you made, what you accomplished).

  • Include Project Manual if you have completed activities in it.
  • Include new things learned or gained from your project.
  • Complete all sections of the form, entering “N/A” (not applicable) for portions of the records that do not apply to your type of project.


Include photos, certificates and anything else you wish.  


Journals may be handwritten or typed. (January 2022)



Record Books Due

Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 @5:00 p.m.

Record Books can be dropped off with your Organizational Leader. Late Record Books will not be eligible for awards.


4-H Council Meeting

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 @ 11:00 am– Event Center– Potluck

Agenda items will include:

  • Enrollment
  • Congress Report
  • Achievement Night– Set Date
  • Carter County Fair Review
  • National 4-H Week Activities
  • Steer Weigh-in– Set Date
  • Journals will be reviewed after the council meeting.


Record Books, Club Secretary and Scrapbooks

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

All Carter County 4-H Clubs must turn in their Club’s secretary book and scrapbook to be eligible for any awards.


Club Financial Information Due

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022– 5:00 pm

All Carter County 4-H clubs must submit financial information to the Extension Office.


  • Enroll in 4-H & 4-H Project(s) & complete records for at least 50% of the projects enrolled in.
  • Record Books must be submitted to the Extension Office by the 2nd Wednesday in September. Leaders are encouraged to read all records book before they are turned into the Extension Office.

Record may be handwritten or typed.

No credit for the 4-H Year for records book handed in after Oct. 1. 

Youth enrolled in a Livestock Project must complete their record book to be eligible to sell an animal at the following years fair. 


“My 4-H Year” Record (green sheet)

  • List at least 3 goals for the 4-H Year. These should be non-project goals. 

Examples: leadership, citizenship, community service, other.

  • Member and Leader Signature where required.
  • Complete all sections in the “My 4-H Year” form with no obvious omissions. Enter “none” for sections of the “My 4-H Year” form for which you have no entries.


Complete “Summary of 4-H Year.”

 Include photos, certificates, project manuals and anything else you wish.  


 “My Animal Project” (purple) & “My Non-Animal Project” (blue)

  • Include project sheets for ALL project currently enrolled in.

If you were unable to complete a project, include an explanation why the project was not completed.

  • List at least 3 goals for each project.
  • Include all major events related to your project (activities, what you did, what you made, what you accomplished).
  • Include Project Manual if completed activities in it.

Level 1:  7 activities each year are required from the project manual and project manuals are required to be turned in.  A Leader or parent MUST date and initial the activities as you complete them.  A total of 21 completed activities from the Level 1 manual are required in 3 years or less to complete Level 1.

Level 2 & above: 5 Activities are required. If activities are not from project manual, they will need to be approved by the Extension Office. (October 2021)

  • Include new things learned or gained from your project. (MUST fill in activity page of record sheets)
  • Complete all sections of the form, entering “N/A” (not applicable) for portions of the records that do not apply to your type of project.


The Red Butte Ramblers would like you to mark your calendar for

October 30, 2022– 5 pm

To attend the Fallon County 4-H Achievement Night!

More information will be sent out as it becomes available.



Record Books Due

Wednesday, September 14TH, 2022 by 5:00 pm

Record Books can be turned in to the Extension Office or your Club Leader. Late Record Books will not be eligible for awards. Please have leader sign before turning in record book.


Record Book Review Committee

Thursday, September 15th, 2022 @ 1:00 pm– Extension Office

* New* A committee of 3 will review all record books for completion and pass on the record books that are complete to the club representatives to review for awards. *New*


Record Book Review For Awards

Monday, September 19th, 2022 @ 5:00 pm– Extension Office Conference Room

1 representative from each club is needed to review record books for Awards. Please contact the office with the names of representatives by Friday, September 16th.


Club Secretary and Scrapbooks

Monday, October 3rd, 2022 by 5:00 pm

All Fallon County 4-H Clubs must turn in their Club’s secretary book and scrapbook to be eligible for any awards


Livestock Committee Meeting

Tuesday, October 11th @ 5:30 pm– Library Basement

Agenda Items:

  • 2022 Fallon County Fair
  • Beef weigh-in date & location
  • Election of Committee Chair


4-H Council Meeting

Monday, October 17th @ 5:30 pm– Exhibit Hall

Agenda Items:

  • Election of President and Secretary.
  • Committee and County Event Sign-up.
  • 2022 Fallon County Fair Review.


This is just for fun and to see how many people actually read the newsletter all the way through! The first person to come in or call the office and answer the following question will win a 4-H water bottle!

Question: What is the 4-H Motto?