4-H Enrollment with ZSuite

4-H Enrollment and re-enrollment will be through https://4h.zsuite.org/ this year.  If you are a returning 4-H member, your information will already be in the system.  You must click the SIGN UP button to get to the right page.  For NEW ENROLLMENTS you also start with the SIGN UP button!  If you have any questions  please call the Extension Office.

Teen Leader and Ambassador Trainings

As a follow up series to Fall Training, there is a 5 session Ambassador Training Series  for County Ambassadors (age 14 & up) starting November 1.  The monthly  Leadership Academy  Workshops are open to youth 4-H age 12 and up!  

For more information, visit


If you are interested in being a teen leader or JB County Ambassador, contact the Extension Office.

Session 4 (Planning)

Sunday January 10th, 4:00—5:30

placeholder image

Session 5 (Presenting)

Sunday February 4, 4:00—5:30

 GreyTak Calendars

2021 Greytak Caledars are in the Extension Office!!

Stop by and get yours today!

 Winter Livestock Judging

The Winter Livestock Judging is postponed for now.  We hope to reschedule for early 2021.  In the meantime, http://www.montana4h.org/resources/livestock_resources.html is a good resource for practice.

 Demonstration Day

If you have a presentation ready, your club meetings are a great place to practice!  Remember, if you are 13 by October 1, 2020, you are old enough to go to 4-H Congress next summer!  You must do a demonstration or Illustrated Talk at County Demonstration Day to be eligible to go to 4-H Congress.

 Legislative Breakfast

The breakfast this year will be hosted VIA Zoom meeting on Tuesday, January 19th, 2020.

Legislative Breakfast

 4-H Camp at Rotary

4-H Camp is being planned for early June 2021.  At this time, we are waiting until we have dates confirmed before we put out the applications for Camp Counselor positions.  Stay tuned to future newsletters for more information!

 JBC Ambassador YouTube Channel

Looking for a little help with something?  Let the JBC 4-H Ambassadors know!  They have a couple instructional videos posted from this past summer, and are looking for more ideas.  Check them out on YouTube.  Just search Judith Basin County 4-H Ambassadors and subscribe to the channel. 

 4-H Resources

There are lots of resources on the Montana 4-H website, visit montana4h.org/resources to check them out!

 Montana 4-H Citizenship Seminar

The Montana 4-H Citizenship Seminar will take place virtually using Zoom. Participants will interact with 4-H members form across the State as they study the many aspects of citizenship.

They will learn how to write a bill and it will be part of a “mock” legislature, acting as 4-H “Senators.” Bills will be debated in committees and on the 4-H Senate Floor.

When: The Seminar will be a four-week program, one evening a week.

Starts Tuesday, January 19th and continue on January, 26th, February 2nd, and February 9th. Each session will be at 6:00pm —8:30pm via Zoom.

Eligibility: 4-H members must be 13 years of age by October 1st, 2020.



How to Write a Bill

The proper format for writing a bill is as follows:

1. Set up your bill as letter size (8 1/2" wide by 11" high) portrait document.

2. Ty to keep your bill to one page or less and double space all lines.

A Bill should be formatted as follows:

Line 1                                                 Legislative chamber and bill number (4-H Bill No.______)

Line 2                                                 Your name should appear after (Introduced by __________________)

Line 3                                                 Leave Blank

Line 4                                                  Intent statement (Start on line 4 using as many lines as necessary)

Line *                                                  Should State as follows: (BE IT ENACTED BY THE 4-H CITIZENSHIP SEMINAR OF THIS STATE OF MONTANA.)

Line *                                                 First statement of the bill labeled (Section 1)

Line *                                                 Second statement of the bill labeled (Section 2) conclude with "Effective date is upon passage and approval unless otherwise stated.

Line *                                                  (END)

Last line on right margin of page                                                                                    (Introduced bill 4-H_________________)


Anything in ( ) should be typed just as it is in the example

Each delegate is expected to sponsor one bill suitable for the mock 4-H legislature. If a delegate has a bill written, it can be submitted electronically to Melody Harris at melody.harris@montana.edu by January 11,2021.


If a delegate is joining to seminar to learn how to write a bill, please become familiar with the format above. There will be time during the seminar to write a bill. Search bill topics online before the seminar to find ideas and bring with you.




Bill No ____


Introduced by


To change Montana School Law regarding Adult Education to allow students under certain circumstances to enroll in Adult Education classes offered by school districts.






Students 14 years and older who are regularly enrolled in public or private high schools may enroll in Adult Education classes offered by school districts. Preference would be given to those persons 16 years and older who are not regularly enrolled, full-time pupils for the purposes of ANB computation. Regular students could only attend classes if space permitted and their attendance was approved by the local school district.




 Effective date is upon passage and approval







4-H BILL No._______


Introduced by Kory’ien “Boomer” Taylen

To make Indigenous People’s Day a State of Montana holiday on the second Monday in October, replacing what is currently known as the federally and state recognized holiday, Columbus Day.




We as citizens of Montana should embrace all of our fellow Montanans including but not limited to our Indigenous citizens. Presently we choose to ignore the misdeeds of Christopher Columbus and the known fact that Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America by honoring a less than honorable man the second Monday of October annually. A man who participated and/or organized the slaughter and mistreatment of thousands of Indigenous people. By celebrating Columbus Day, we as a State are glorifying atrocious acts committed against the ancestors of out Indigenous citizens. Instead I think we should have a holiday celebrating indigenous people. Montana would not be the first to do this. Four states currently have a state holiday directly related to Indigenous people in place of Columbus Day. Those states are Minnesota, Vermont Alaska and South Dakota. South Dakota calls it “Native American Day”. There are also many cities that have a local holiday celebrating Indigenous people, including Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver, St. Paul, Salt Lake, Nashville and others. These states and cities all shared one Common knowledge and belief: Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America, Indigenous people did. For the listed reasons, I propose the State of Montana instate “Montana Indigenous People’s Day” In place of “Columbus Day” on the second Monday in October annually.




Effective upon date of passage unless otherwise stated.




Ambassador Application



Ambassador Application page 2



Jan 2021