Club Meetings

  • Stanford Scramblers
    • March 29th, 2021
    • 6:30 PM
    • Stanford School
  • Geyser Lucky Clovers
    • March 21st, 2021
    • 2:00 PM
    • Raynesford
  • Utica Sapphires
    • March 9th, 2021
    • 6:30 PM
    • Hobson School

Other Important Dates

  • 4-H Council Meeting
    • March 3rd, 2021
    • Extension Office
  • Livestock Judging
    • Sunday April 18, 2021
    • 1:00 PM
    • Stevenson Angus -Hobson
  • Demonstration Day
    • March 21st, 2021
    • Location TBD
  • Swine Weigh and Tag Deadline
    • April 15th, 2021
  • Sheep and Goat Weigh and Tag
    • DeadlineMay 15th, 2021

Fair Book Cover Conteset

Ready your cameras and look for that perfect shot!! Fair Time will be here before we know it, which means the Cover Contest is back! The contest is open to 4-H members, regardless of age. A $40 gift certificate to North 40 will be awarded to the winner. Due to the Extension Office: Friday, April 16th, 2021. Picture resolution needs to be as high as possible. Picture may be in color or black and white! No panoramic pictures. Pictures will need to cover 5” W by 7 1/2” H Portrait Style. Pictures may include people, but should not be the primary subject. Member musttake the photo! The following elements should be added to the picture: Judith Basin County Fair, August 10th—14th, 2021 Stanford, MT

Demonstration Day

If you have a presentation ready, your club meetings are a great place to practice! Remember, if you are 13 by October 1, 2020, you are old enough to go to 4-H Congress next summer! You must do a demonstration or Illustrated Talk at County Demonstration Day to be eligible to go to 4-H Congress.

Demonstration Day is March 21st.

Demonstration Day Registration Form

4-H Fair Book Ads

Please have your Fair Book Ads and payments turned into the Extension Office by March 19th, 2021.

4-H Demonstration Day Tips

When designing and presenting your demonstrations this year, use the following tips to make your best, better!

  • Select a top that you know well and find interesting.
  • Develop one main idea or topic to share.
  • Use an outline to help you organize the idea or topic into three to seven points or steps that can be explained and/or shown.
  • Secure the material and the equipment needed and organize to avoid clutter.
  • Dress appropriately for the activity being demonstrated.
  • Check your materials and equipment before you give the demonstration. Make words on posters large enough for all to read
  • Use a catchy introduction that will get the attention of the audience.
  • Take your time and speak clearly, looking at your audience.
  • Show how each step is done so everyone can see.
  • Keep your materials orderly, and when you are finished with something, place it out of the way.
  • Practice the demonstration with family or friends who will give suggestions for improvement.
  • Work on avoiding using “umm” or “like” when giving your speech.
  • Smile and enjoy yourself, but avoid chewing gum, placing your hands in your pockets, or “fiddling” with equipment.
  • Review your points or steps at the end, ask for questions, and thank the audience.

4-H Resources

The MSU Extension Judith Basin County Website is up to date and a great place to find information for 4-H, AG, and HR related subjects!

Be sure to Check it out!

Another great resource is:

Pictures from Dog Agility Clinic

boy working with collie

trainer talking to owner and dog

pciture of the group that attended training


Montana 4-H Collegiate Scholarship

Due April 1st, 2021

The Montana 4-H Foundation offers several collegiate scholar-ships to students. When filling out the application, you will select which scholarships you would like to apply for. All scholarships require certain Criteria to be met, in order to be awarded.

Contact the Montana 4-H Foundation if you have questions. or call (406)994-5911

Kids’ Chance of Montana Scholarship

Due March 31st, 2021

Kids’ Chance of Montana provides scholarships to students who have had a parent killed or severely injured on the job. Montana has one of the highest rates of fatalities and severe work-related injuries in the country. The Kids’ Chance Scholarship application is available at Kids Chance of Montana.

To learn more, please visit

Other Events

Cascade County 4-H Archery Shooting Sports Postal Tournament

Registration Due March 15th, 2021

The cost is $10 per shooter, per division.

Madison Valley 4-H Archery Shooting Sports Postal Tournament

Registration Due March 8th, 2021

Information and Registration Forms for both Tournaments at website below!

Montana 4-H Shooting Sports Training

Billings April 9th and 10th, 2021

4-H Building Metra Park

Bozeman April 16th and 17th, 2021

123 Doe Road, Belgrade, MT 59714

Virtual National 4-H Congress

April 10th—14th, 2021

Ages 15—19

Registration Deadline is March 1st, 2021

Virtual National Conference Adult Registration

Virtual National Conference Youth Registration

Spring Fling Jr. Show

Deer Lodge, MT

March 20th, 2021

Cattle can arrive anytime after 3 PM on Friday March 19th!

4-H, FFA, and Junior Breed Association members wel-come!

Spring Fling Registration Form

march calendar

March 2021 4-H Newsletter (PDF)