Volunteer Reporting Directions
**This is NOT where you log in to submit volunteer hours and food donations. Please carefully read the instructions below for where and how to track volunteer activities**
It is very important to log your Master Gardener volunteer hours, even after you have fullfilled your requirement. You are required to report your hours for certification, but your volunteer time also provides a direct service to communities which illustrates the impact the program has across the state.
All Master Gardener volunteer service is recorded online. Instructions for setting up your account are as follows:
- Visit www.mtmastergardener.org
- At the right side of the home page, under the photo banner, is the Master Gardener Login box. Click "Create an Account" underneath the blue "Login" button
- Fill out the entire form. MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE THE CORRECT COUNTY OR RESERVATION FROM THE DROP DOWN MENU! You want to pick the county you are taking the course in, NOT the county you live in, if they are different.
- Shirt size is needed for Level 2 and Level 3 polo shirts which you will receive upon completion of your volunteer commitment.
- The Bot Check helps us eliminate automated systems from hacking the website. Simply answer the easy math question.
- Click the "Create Account" button at the bottom of the form
- In 24-48 hours your Extension Agent will confirm you are a registered student and approve your account based on your current class level status
- You will receive an email once your account has been approved.
To log volunteer hours and food donations:
- Again, visit www.mtmastergardener.org
- Enter your username and password in the Master Gardener Login box at the right of the home page, under the photo banner. If you can't remember your password click the reset password link underneath. Please allow 24 hours for the password to update.
- Click the blue "Login" button.
- Once logged in you can see your Master Gardener information such as what level you currently are, your total volunteer hours and how many pounds of food you have donated.
- To log hours, click the "Add Volunteer Hours" button. Choose the Master Gardener level you are working on from the drop down menu, type in the number of hours served (whole or half hours only), enter the date the service was performed by clicking on the calendar icon to the right of the "Date Completed" box, then add a brief description of the work accomplished. Finish by clicking the "Add Hours" box; you should see the following notice, in red: "Your hours have been added."
- Follow the process in #5 for "Add Food Donation". To save your entry click the "Add Donation" button at the bottom of the table. The state rate for food donations is 10 pounds of food = 1 volunteer hour. Please note that although you may donate as much food as you like, only 5 hours worth (50 lbs.) of food donations count toward your volunteer commitment.
- If you need to amend an entry for either volunteer hours or food donations you can click the buttons "View/Edit Volunteer Hours" or "View/Edit Food Donation", and either edit or delete an entry. Make sure and click the "Edit Hours" or "Edit Food" buttons at the bottom of the respective pages to save your changes.
- From your home page you can also see the presentations, handouts and helpful links for your current level and the levels afore, if applicable.