If you would like to be on the agenda or form a committee please use this Action Plan Form. Complete, save as PDF and email to stillwater@montana.edu at the Extension Office two days before the Council meeting for review.


Meet Your Officers

President: Brian Young 
Vice President: Melissa Robertus
Secretary: Shannon Moore
Treasurer: Jeanna Fry

Council Leaders

 Livestock Committee: Superintendents

Beef: Melissa Kramer 

Horse: Courtney Thiel
Dog: Nikki Markle
Small Animal: Melissa Robertus
Sheep: Wendy Reed
Swine: Katrina Feddes
Indoor: Tammi Kirch
All Others: Ryan Noack/Haley Barker

Stillwater County 4-H Leaders’ Council Minutes


Stillwater County 4-H Leaders’ Council Minutes

November 11th, 2023 @ 6:08pm

South Annex

Attendance: Ryan Noack (Extension Agent), Haley Barker (Extension Agent), Wade Kramer (Teen Leaders), Tammi Kirch (Beartooth Ramblers), Sarah Brewer (Extension Office), Melissa Kramer (Johnny’s Buckaroos), Wendy Reed (United Clovers), Melissa Robertus (Park City Wranglers), Jeanna Fry (Park City Wranglers), Brian Young (Stillwater Ranch Hands), Shannon Moore (Johnny’s Buckaroos),


Budget – Jeanna presented a budget for the 2023-2024 4-H Year based on t last year’s costs. Melissa R motioned to accept the proposed budget, Jeanna 2nd the motion, motion passed.




Ambassadors/Teen Leaders – Wade advised Officer elections occurred, they decided to purchase some coats for Project Hope as a community service project. Ambassadors/Teen Leaders have an opportunity for a Fun Event Dec 10th in Billings at the 4-H Building @ the Metra. They also shored up plans for the Welcome Dinner for new 4-H families, there is still room if anyone is interested.


Travel Program – Tammi advised the selling of the Christmas Swag is in full swing. June 18-25th they will be traveling to California.


Homemakers – N/A


Old Business- N/A


New Business

  • Election of officers – Tammi moved to re-elect Brian Young-President, Melissa Robertus – Vice President, Shannon Moore – Secretary, Jeanna Fry – Treasurer. Melissa K 2nd the motion, motion passed
  • Teen Leaders asked are asking Council for money to cover the food for the Welcome Dinner, to be held on Nov 20th. Tammi moved to donate up to $400 to the Welcome Dinner needs. Wendy 2nd the motion, motion passed.
  • 4-H Carnival March 23-24th, clubs set up various game booths. Take back to the clubs for discussion.
  • Action Plan process – on the Action Plan form, Melissa K moved to add a check box that will read “show Action Plan to office & relevant Superintendent” when submitting future Action Plans. Tammi 2nd the motion, motion passed.
  • Action Plans –
    • Melissa R moves to classify White Face Class, Division 2, that both parents be white faced. Wendy 2nd the motion, motion passed
    • Melissa R moves to add Spec Face Class to Division 2 – parent can be either white face or not. Wendy 2nd the motion, 2 voted in favor, 3 opposed, motion defeated.
    • Melissa K moves to add the wording on p.15 to the Division 2, Dairy Cattle Class 6, “Please notify the Extension Office and Beef Superintendent if you are bringing a yearling bull to the fair” so appropriate accommodations can be made. Wendy 2nd the motion, motion passed



  • Re-enrollment is due today, November 15th
  • Youth Leadership retreat postponed until March 16-17th
  • Action Plans – last call for action plans. They need to be brought to the January meeting to be included in this year’s Fair Book.
  • Please read your newsletter for upcoming events
  • Council Lamb dates –
    • 2024 Spring Creek Stockgrowers
    • 2025 Stillwater Ranch Hands
  • Next Council meeting January 17th, 2024 @ 6pm


Jeanna moved to adjourn the meeting, Wade 2nd the motion, motion passed. Meeting adjourned @ 7:13pm