Announcing the New Teton County 4-H Ambassador Team!

A group of energetic and enthusiastic 4-H members have been chosen to join Myles Allen in forming a new ambassador team. The new ambassadors are Ayden DeBruycker, Waverly Konen, Andrew Major, Grace Toeckes and Mikayla Toeckes. Congratulations! We had a great group of applicants this year, thank you to all who applied.

On the Horizon

February 4

  • Beef Rate of Gain Contest Weigh-in, Sunday, 2 p.m., Weatherbeater, Choteau

February 5

  • Livestock Committee Meeting, Monday, 6-7 p.m., Courthouse Conference Room, Choteau

February 12

  • Calving and Cow-Calf Nutrition Workshop, State Stop Inn, Choteau, 5:30-8:30 p.m.

February 14

  • 4-H Foundation Scholarship Applications Due, Wednesday, State 4-H

February 25

  • Treasurer's Training, 3-4 p.m., Courthouse Conference Room, Choteau


February 26

  • Treasurer's Training, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Courthouse Conference Room, Choteau

March 1

  • 2024 Camp Counselor Applications Due, Friday, Extension Office

March 4

  • Council Meeting, Monday, 6:30-7:30 pm, Courthouse Conference Room, Choteau

The Who and the What and the How of Club Offices! 
by Jenn Swanson

Ever wonder what a 4-H Club Officer is supposed to do?What about how to do it?If so, you're not alone.

Sometimes a 4-H Club is comprised of mostly older members who know the 4-H ropes and successfully pass on their knowledge.Other times, members of a club may be comprised of mostly new members, or very young members, and it's harder for Club Leaders and Club Officers to know what to do.Because of that, the Extension Office is starting a new tradition - we're hosting fun, one-hour training games for Club Officers.

The first of these are Treasurer's Trainings, on Sunday, February 25 at 3 pm or Monday, February 26 at 4:30 pm.All Treasurers and potential future Treasurers are welcome.Call the office to sign up. Next year, we'll add President/Vice President and Secretary trainings.Let the games begin!

In the meantime, here are some guidelines about Club leadership:

  • Every Club has 1 or 2 Club Leaders (adult, 4-H-certified volunteers)
  • Each Club should have 4 to 7 officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, at a minimum – with possible additions of Historian, Recreational Leader, and Reporter, if the Club has sufficient members)


  • Sets each meeting agenda, in collaboration with the Club Leader(s)
  • Runs Club meetings
    • Leads the pledges or designates another member to lead the pledges
    • Uses Parliamentary Procedure to run Club meetings
    • Delegates a substitute secretary, if the elected secretary is absent
    • Makes sure to set the next meeting date, in collaboration with Club Leader(s)
  • Casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote

Vice President

  • Assumes duties of the President, if the President is absent
  • Serves as the Parliamentarian (that is, helps the President with parliamentary procedure during Club meetings)
  • Helps out by leading subcommittees of the Club, and/or fulfilling certain duties of Historian, Recreational Leader, or Reporter, as needed (collaborates with Club Leader(s) to determine the Club’s needs)


  • Takes written minutes of all Club meetings
  • Takes roll call at meetings and helps the President follow the agenda
    • Makes sure that the previous meeting’s minutes are circulated and reviewed
    • Makes sure that the previous meeting’s minutes are approved by Club vote
  • Sends copies of approved minutes to the Extension Office via email or hard copy
  • Saves all minutes in a permanent Club binder
  • In conjunction with the Club Leader(s), writes Club correspondence (for example, letters and thank you notes)


  • Keeps a checkbook register of all debits (expenses) and credits (deposits)
  • Writes checks for Club expenses and receipts for donations to the Club
  • Provides a Treasurer’s Report at each Club meeting (briefly lists debits and credits, states the current account balance, and notes any expenses that need to be approved by a Club vote)
  • Prepares the end-of-the-year Treasurer’s summary and submits it to Extension Office in October

Reporter (optional)

  • In collaboration with the Club Leader(s), publicizes Club activities to others outside of the Club (for example, the local newspaper or county 4-H newsletter)

Historian (optional)

  • Keeps a scrapbook for each 4-H year that includes a list of activities, photos, memorabilia, and clippings of newspaper articles about the Club or its members

Recreational Leader (optional)

  • In collaboration with the Club Leader(s), plans and/or leads Club members in ice breakers, games, and activities at the meetings

Shelby's Agent Corner:  2024 Communications Day

The Teton County Communications Day will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024, at the Choteau Baptist Church.Communications Day is a Teton County 4-H tradition where youth can hone their public speaking skills.The events are judged according to a rubric by several community members and ribbons are awarded.There are several different ways that 4-Hers can participate in this event.The competition categories are judged according to rubrics that can be found on the MSU Teton County Extension website.Club leaders are encouraged to schedule a communications event for their club in February or March this year, before the countywide competition.Find out more detailed information about each event and how it is scored.  Please let me know if your club hosts a communications event because I would like to see the great work of our 4-Hers.

Demonstration:4-Hers, individually or as a team, teach the audience a skill and show how it is performed in real-time.Posters, presentation slides, physical samples, and a great story are all that is needed.Those who obtain a blue or purple ribbon and are at least 4-H age 13 are eligible to compete at the state level during 4-H Congress in Bozeman in July 9-12, 2024.

Video: As an individual or team, a video is created that communicates a message taking advantage of design and editing principles.The final edited video will be shown on the day of the event and the presentor(s) will then be interviewed by a panel of judges to discuss the video’s merits, intended audience, and effectiveness.

Speech: This is an individual event where the 4-Her creates a prepared speech to convey an idea without visual aids.This is a great opportunity to learn how to use words, body language, and tone of voice to share information with an audience.

Impromptu Speech: This is an individual event where the 4-Her is provided with a topic on the day of the event and is given three minutes to prepare a speech.This is truly a great way to learn to speak ‘off the cuff’ to an audience.

Career Communication: This is an individual event where the 4-Her writes a cover letter and resume detailing their current skills. On the day of the event, there is an interview with a panel of judges. This is a great way to receive feedback and training for future interviews.

Promotional Package: This is an individual or team event where a combination of media, such as a news release, radio spot, blog, webpage, social media post, flyer, or advertisement, are created.The materials are presented to a panel of judges and the presentor answers questions regarding intended audience and marketing campaign.

Commercial: This is an individual or team event where a short promotional message is performed live in a fast-paced, appealing way to compel the audience to act or purchase a product.The commercial can be for a concept, idea, or a real or imagined product.

Stir-Ups: This is an individual or team event.Participants may also compete in this event during the state 4-H Congress regardless of the ribbon level obtained at the county level.

New this year is the Stir-ups category for our county.Similar in format to the TV show ‘Chopped’ this is competitive cooking at its finest!Participants are evaluated by judges in three different ways.The first is during the cooking portion where judges determine proficiency levels of safe food preparation, safe knife handling skills, efficient use of time and space while cooking, and clean-up.The second portion is where judges evaluate the presentation of the food, including place setting, and the taste of the food.The third portion is where an oral presentation is given about the recipe and the nutritional content of the food.To make the competition interesting, several weeks in advance, the type of dish to be prepared is announced along with a list of potential ingredients that could be provided.This gives participants time to research several recipes, cooking techniques, nutritional information, and any other interesting facts that can make the final presentation more engaging.On the day of the competition, the ingredients, along with several mystery ingredients are revealed.Each participant is provided with kitchen space and one hour to prepare and present their dish to be judged.This year, the type of dish and list of potential ingredients will be revealed in the March Newsletter- so stay tuned! Learn more about the Stir-Ups competition. 

2024 4-H Club Rotation

2024 4-H Club Rotations
Club Rotation Description
Challenging Champs
Meat and Greet
  • The Meat and Greet is our buyer appreciation event.It takes place on Saturday June 29, 2024, from 5 to 6:30 pm, in the Weatherbeater Arena
  • Your club will set up, serve food, and clean up after the event.Available club members should be divided into two teams:
    • 4-6 p.m.Setup for the event and serve food
    • 5-7 p.m.Serve food and clean up after the event
  • Your club has the option of selling baked goods as a club fundraiser, during Fair
Old Agency
Fair Project Display
  • Projects are displayed, and decorations are put up immediately following interview judging
    • Please wait to begin until all interview judging is complete
  • Clubs decide how to best exhibit fair entries (can be by club, by project type, etc.)
    • A champions area is generally created to display the exhibits that were ranked as rosette and division winners
  • The office will supply tablecloths, easels, risers, magnets/pipes, etc.
  • No tape, nails, staples, etc. can be used on the Pavilion walls
Spring Creek
Fair Cleaning at Pavilion
  • Clubs cleaning the Pavilion following the fair may either do so on Saturday night or on Sunday following the fair and should communicate their plan with the Extension agents
  • A cleaning list will be supplied with specific details for both cleaning the Pavilion and organizing 4-H/Extension supplies
  • Depending on the number of people who assist, this assignment will take 2-4 hours

Eager Eagles
Prairie Stars

Fair Facilities Management
and Greeter Scheduling
  • Arrange Pavilion greeters (work with Extension to determine schedule)
  • Plan and provide hospitality for judges at Pavilion during interview judging
    • Work with Extension to arrange budget/payment/times
    • Hospitality for judges varies depending on the time of judging
      • Could include a light snack (bars, fruit) and water or a light meal
  • Manage the physical facilities at the Weatherbeater and Pavilion 
    • Daily loading of paper towels, soap, toilet paper, dumping garbage, sweeping off bleachers, keeping areas clean and tidy, cleaning cement pad
    • Water spray bottles should be used to keep dust down
    • Managing inside and outside areas for cleanliness, safety, traffic, etc.   
      • Safety announcements can be made prior to and during the fair 

Eager Eagles 
Prairie Stars

Camp Rotary Cleaning
  • The Rotarians set the date for cleaning at Camp Rotary
    • As a user of Camp Rotary, Teton County is expected to participate
  • The Extension Office will forward information as it is received about the cleaning event
  • This assignment generally requires a smaller group of people with 4-10 able to complete the task
    • It is best to take gloves (cleaning and work), buckets, and rags.
    • Wear comfortable shoes and cleaning clothes.

Montana 4-H Scholarships

Scholarships are available through State 4-H Foundation. Each applicant need only complete one Montana 4-H scholarship application via the application platform on or before February 14, 2024.  View and apply for Montanan 4-H scholarships.

2024 Camp Counselors

Calling all potential camp counselors!!!It’s time to apply for the summer of 2024. Apply to be a camp counselor.New for this year, junior counselors will be added to the team to work with experienced counselors to learn songs and camp traditions from the best.Junior counselors need to be 13 as of October 1, 2023.If you are between 14 and 18 and have not yet graduated high school, you can be a counselor- even if you have never been to 4-H camp in Teton County before.The camp counselor application will be due Friday, March 1, 2024.Meetings to begin planning for camp will begin mid-March.

Montana 4-H Volunteer Awards

4-H is made possible through the outstanding support of adults who provide their time, resources and support to improve the lives of Montana 4-H youth and strive to constantly make the best better. Through the following award categories, Montana 4-H recognizes outstanding contributions of volunteer leaders, staff and alumni at the county and state levels.  The three adult awards are Tribute to Volunteer Excellence, Hall of Fame and Outstanding 4-H Alumni.Find out more about these awards. All awards are presented at the Montana 4-H Leadership Forum in the fall or another statewide event.Nomination Guidelines: Each county may nominate one individual for each category to be considered for awards.  Nominees may qualify for more than one category.  Priority consideration will be given to volunteers who have not received a statewide award within the last five years. Nominations are due May 1.If you would like to nominate a volunteer, please contact the Extenison Office.


Montana 4-H State Awards

The Montana 4-H State Awards program recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of 4-H members whoreach a standard of excellence in a project area. State Award winners go above and beyond regular project work with a focus on leadership, communication and community service. Winners are eligible to attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia. The out-of-pocket costs for Teton County 4-H members has been around $300 for the week of National 4-H Congress. The timeline below will help those who plan to apply for state awards in 2023-2024. Much of the process is self-directed.


• Download state award application from Montana 4-H website

• Spend 3-6 hours completing written work – add information based on your own record books, Teton County 4-H newsletters which are posted online, club leader information

• Have your application reviewed by your family members and your club leader

• Look up “verbs for resumes” or “adjectives for resumes” to find powerful words to use as you describe your 4-H work


• By mid-January, please submit your first draft of your written work to the Extension Office for editing and suggestions

• Start working on your creative work – which can be in a variety of formats including a newspaper publication, quilt, scrapbook, video or slide show

• Set aside up to 10 hours in January to work on your creative project


• Schedule an appointment with Extension Office. Discuss corrections needed for written application and brainstorm/plan for creative work

• Make corrections as needed on your written work

• Set aside at least 5 hours this month to work on your award package


• Submit a copy of your creative work and corrected written work to the Extension Office

• Schedule 2-3 hours to work with the office, if you need assistance with technology, writing, etc.

• Complete creative project, as much as possible


• Schedule 2 hours with the Extension Office to review your work

• Make recommended changes in your project

• Have application completed, packaged professionally, signed and delivered to MSU bydeadline specified in application

• Be prepared to spend the hours needed this month to complete your creative project

See more information at the state website

MSU Extension Teton County

Fair Dates

The Teton County Fair is scheduled for the last full weekend in June that includes a Sunday.

2024    June 24-30
2025    June 24-29
2026    June 22-28

Camp Dates

2024   July 22-26

4-H Congress Dates, Bozeman

2024   July 9-12


MSU Extension Teton County
P.O. Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422


Shelby Jones-Dozier
Jenn Swanson


JoAnn McDowell & Jamie Smith

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717