On the Horizon

May 6

  • 4-H Council Meeting (online) 4:30-5:30 pm, facilitated by Shelby via WebEx

May 6

  • 4-H Fair Committee Meeting (online) 5:30-6:30 pm, facilitated by Jenn via Zoom


  • *Stay tuned: Lamb/Goat LQA and weigh in with Brent Roeder at the Weatherbeater, ChoteauMay

May 22

  • Fair Registration Deadline, ZSuite

June 17

  • Last Chance All-species LQA meeting at East Slope Vet Service; afternoon/eve time TBD

July 19

  • Teton-Cascade combined 4-H Working Ranch Horse Show, 406 Arena, Vaughn

July 20

  • Teton-Cascade combined 4-H County Horse Show, 406 Arena, VaughnTeton

Record Books Due August 15, 2024

  • A complete Record Book must be submitted (electronically via Zsuite or on paper) each year inorder for 4-H members to exhibit, show or sell at next year's Fair.
  • Market Animal members must bring a working version of their Record Book to Interview Judgingwith the market animal project section (on paper) nearly complete.
  • Record books are due to your club leader no later than August 15 so they can be checked for completion.  Project forms and Record Book guidance can be found on our webpage.

Record Book Help

If you would like help with your 4-H record book,the Extension office will be available after school until 4:45 p.m. on Thursdays, through May. Bring your record book forms with you.Paper forms will be available at the office, if needed.

Opportunity for 4-H Youth

The Life Enrichment Director for the long-term care facility at Benefis Teton Medical Center would like to invite 4-H members to share their projects with residents.A variety of projects would be suitable from all types of crafts to small animals that have been vaccinated.The residents love to meet 4-Hers and talk about their projects.

If interested, please contact Cheryl Woods at cherylwoods@benefis.org or 406-868-0286

Agent's Corner:  Fair is in the Air!
by Jenn Swanson

I’m getting so excited about Fair!I look forward to the wonderful exhibits, the care the kids show for their animals, and best of all, the way people come together.I have to admit, I got the happy-tears more than once last year.

Here are a few things you should know about Fair 2024:

We will have roughly the same schedule as last year, with a few tweaks to keep things fresh.On Friday evening, we will again have a social gathering at the Weatherbeater after beef weigh ins.The youth leaders have chosen a Circus-based theme for 2024 Camp/Fair, so that’s a great reason to add a large event tent to the mix at the Weatherbeater.A Style Show under the big top and a 4-H Dance will be part of Friday night’s festivities.As with last year, the community is invited to walk through the fairgrounds on Friday evening to view the animals and enjoy meals and treats from local food trucks.The Fair Committee is still planning, so stay tuned!

As usual, Interview Judging will be on Wednesday afternoon of Fair Week.For the first time, market animal members are required to bring a paper version of their Record Books with them to the interview.Note that the Record Book is not being judged at the interview; what is being assessed is the level of engagement with the project throughout the year, as documented in the market animal project section, and how the member expresses that to the judge.A panel of livestock-savvy judges will be on hand (for each market animal species) to ask interview questions based on what they see in the member’s Record Book.

The Pearson and DeBruycker families hosted a wonderful Swine Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA) gathering at Pearson’s on Sunday, April 28.It was well attended, and I can attest to the fact that the pork appetizers were delicious!A big thank you to the host families and to Anna Forseth for her very helpful swine health talk.

Hot Off the Press: the Lamb and Goat LQA session lead by Brent Roeder previously scheduled for May 19 has to be rescheduled.We will keep you posted as soon as we have a new date!This session is a chance to bring your animal so you can check its weight, get health advice, and learn good showmanship techniques.Brent will help you adjust your feeding strategy, if needed, to achieve a good weight and finish by Fair time.

Remember that market animals project members need to attend at least one in-county Livestock Quality Assurance event per year.If you haven’t been unable to attend the one hosted by your species superintendent, there will be an all-species make-up opportunity on the afternoon/ evening of Monday June 17 at East Slope Veterinary Service.Stay tuned for more details in the June newsletter!

Agent Corner:  Camperones (adult camper-chaperones) for 4-H Camp Needed!
by Shelby Jones-Dozier

Planning is underway for the 2024 Teton County 4-H Camp. This year, Camp Rotary near Neihart will be the location for camp which will run from Tuesday, July 23, until Thursday, July 25, 2024.

A successful camp depends on many things like a fun theme, exciting games, endless ga-ga ball, and engaging workshops to learn new skills. This year’s team of dedicated junior and senior youth counselors have been busy planning a great camp experience for 4-Hers aged 8-13. Also essential for a successful camp are the caring adults who volunteer their time to support the youth counselors by providing supervision, guidance, medical support, and nutritious meals to keep everyone’s bodies fueled.

Teton County 4-H has long been fortunate to have a group of dedicated volunteers who devote their personal time and energy to camp. If you have a chance, please thank Leona Somerfeld, Marla Holmquist, Cathy Campbell, Lynda Allen, Carli Neal, Kate Banner, and Heather McCartney-Duty for their service to 4-H. They were kind enough to work with me last summer, guiding me through the many great traditions that have made our Teton County 4-H camp a meaningful experience, full of wonderful memories.

All adults who help with camp are certified volunteers who have completed the training module and have had a background check. If you would like to be part of camp but have not yet completed training or had your background check, there is still time to become a certified volunteer, just contact the Extension office to get started.

Adult volunteers that we need at camp this year:

  • Camp cook: (skills involving meal planning for large groups and safe food handling are greatly encouraged). The camp cook gets their own cabin near the main lodge. The construction on the cabin was completed within the past year and should be very nice!
  • Camp nurse, or any medical professional with an active state license: The nurse can take part in workshops and daily activities, but generally stays near the main lodge. The main responsibility is to manage and administer medications to campers. First aid is on an as needed basis, and usually the result of an active game of ga-ga ball.
  • Male and female camperones! The number of adult camperones we will need depends on the total number of kids who register. To run a safe camp, we need at least one adult for every eight kids. During the day, the adult chaperones are assigned to a group of 4-H kids (mixed up groups of boys and girls of different ages) and participate in workshops given by the camp youth counselors. In the evenings, we have one adult chaperone in each cabin. Each cabin also has one youth counselor who organizes activities and maintains the safety of each camper. The adult is present to support the counselor in maintaining safety in the cabins.

If you are interested in volunteering at 4-H Camp this year, please contact theExtension office, 406-466-2491, and help make camp possible!

2024 4-H Club Rotation

2024 4-H Club Rotations
Club Rotation Description
Challenging Champs
Meat and Greet
and Concessions
  • The Meat and Greet is our buyer appreciation event.It takes place on Saturday June 29, 2024, from 5 to 6:30 pm, in the Weatherbeater Arena
  • Your club will set up, serve food, and clean up after the event.Available club members should be divided into two teams:
    • 4-6 p.m.Setup for the event and serve food
    • 5-7 p.m.Serve food and clean up after the event
  • Your club has the option of selling baked goods as a club fundraiser, during Fair
Old Agency
Fair Project Display
  • Projects are displayed, and decorations are put up immediately following interview judging
    • Please wait to begin until all interview judging is complete
  • Clubs decide how to best exhibit fair entries (can be by club, by project type, etc.)
    • A champions area is generally created to display the exhibits that were ranked as rosette and division winners
  • The office will supply tablecloths, easels, risers, magnets/pipes, etc.
  • No tape, nails, staples, etc. can be used on the Pavilion walls
Spring Creek
Fair Cleaning at Pavilion
  • Clubs cleaning the Pavilion following the fair may either do so on Saturday night or on Sunday following the fair and should communicate their plan with the Extension agents
  • A cleaning list will be supplied with specific details for both cleaning the Pavilion and organizing 4-H/Extension supplies
  • Depending on the number of people who assist, this assignment will take 2-4 hours

Eager Eagles
Prairie Stars

Fair Facilities Management
and Greeter Scheduling
  • Arrange Pavilion greeters (work with Extension to determine schedule)
  • Plan and provide hospitality for judges at Pavilion during interview judging
    • Work with Extension to arrange budget/payment/times
    • Hospitality for judges varies depending on the time of judging
      • Could include a light snack (bars, fruit) and water or a light meal
  • Manage the physical facilities at the Weatherbeater and Pavilion 
    • Daily loading of paper towels, soap, toilet paper, dumping garbage, sweeping off bleachers, keeping areas clean and tidy, cleaning cement pad
    • Water spray bottles should be used to keep dust down
    • Managing inside and outside areas for cleanliness, safety, traffic, etc.   
      • Safety announcements can be made prior to and during the fair 

Eager Eagles 
Prairie Stars

Camp Rotary Cleaning
  • The Rotarians set the date for cleaning at Camp Rotary
    • As a user of Camp Rotary, Teton County is expected to participate
  • The Extension Office will forward information as it is received about the cleaning event
  • This assignment generally requires a smaller group of people with 4-10 able to complete the task
    • It is best to take gloves (cleaning and work), buckets, and rags.
    • Wear comfortable shoes and cleaning clothes.

2024 Teton County 4-H Fair Schedule

Tentative Schedule (final schedule released June 1)

2024 Teton County 4-H Fair Livestock Member Duty Roster

Set Up Duty
Clean Up Duty

Teton County 4-H Camp 2024-July 23-25

Registration now open in ZSuite

4-H Camp Registration
Registration Date
4-H Members
Non-4-H Members
Until May 24
May 25-June 7
June 8-June 21
June 22-July 5

There will be an option camp t-shirt available to campers for an additional $14.
4-H Camp Counselors:  $25 registration fee and t-shirt provided.
Adult volunteers: No fee and t-shirt provided.

Congratulations, Seniors!

Myles Allen
McCoy Banner
Kaylie Bender
Ainsley DeBruycker
Trinity Knable
Wyatt Murphy
Quinci Neuman
Lyndsy Phillips
Madelena Preston

Club Commotion

Eager Eagles

Eager Eagles/Prairie Stars members enjoyed a 4-H Record Book Working Evening on April 8, 2024.
The Clubs had a great turnout!

Challenging Champs

Jessica and Annie represented Teton County at their first Rec Lab.It was held in Boulder, MT at Jefferson High School on April 19-21, 2024.Jessica really enjoyed her workshops “Being SMART with Your Goals” and “Don’t Make an Mis-Steak” where they learned to cook steak and received samples!Annie’s favorite workshop was Fiber Arts where she learned techniques to felt wool.Annie also enjoyed the Handmade Pasta workshop.Annie and Jessica would like to thank our Teton County 4-H Leader’s Council for contributing financially to their Rec Lab dues.

Montana 4-H International Programs:  Hosting

Montana families have the opportunity to host and positively impact an international youth this Summer 2024 and Academic Year 2024 - 2025. The host family will help select which delegate best matches with their family.

Summer 2024: July 22 - August 17

16 Japanese females and males ages 12 - 17

Apply to host for Summer 2024

Academic Year 2024 - 2025: ~10 months, arriving in August

1 Korean youth age 15 - 18

1 Japanese youth age 15 - 18

Apply to host for 2024-2025 Academic Year

Have further questions? Contact Christine at c.sommersaustin@montana.edu or 406.994.3504

Montana 4-H Congress 2024


Join the event that links Montana 4-H'ers together! There will be something for everyone one at Montana 4-H Congress July 9-12, 2024. We are sure this will be the highlight of your 4-H year. If you aren’t sure what 4-H Congress is all about, just ask one of the many Montana 4-Hers that have been coming to congress year after year. The only complaint most have is they don’t want to go home!


What do you do at 4-H Congress?


  • Enjoy social time like dances, teambuilding games and crowd-pleasing sessions with lots of laughs.
  • Participate in one of the 13 state level contests. If you are interested in competing make sure you are aware of your counties dates, deadlines and policies for participation in a state level contest. Learn More about these contests.
  • Opportunity to choose from variety of hands-on workshops delivered by MSU faculty, community organizations and other top-notch presenters giving you lots of ideas for your own future and how you can have an impact on your community.
  • Give your hands to larger service by being part of a statewide service project giving back to those that have given to us.
  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for schedule updates, new details coming every day!
  • ​​​​​​​Register in 4h.Zsuite


MSU Extension Teton County

Fair Dates

The Teton County Fair is scheduled for the last full weekend in June that includes a Sunday.

2024    June 24-30
2025    June 24-29
2026    June 22-28

Camp Dates

2024   July 22-26

4-H Congress Dates, Bozeman

2024   July 9-12


MSU Extension Teton County
P.O. Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422


Shelby Jones-Dozier shelby.jonesdozier@montana.edu
Jenn Swanson  jenn.swanson@montana.edu


JoAnn McDowell & Jamie Smith  teton@montana.edu

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717