Hello 4-H Families!
Summer is just around the corner and Marias Fair Fun Time will be
here before you know it! Hopefully you have the date saved for July
19-24th. We will be headed to the Beaver Creek Campground for
4-H Camp on June 13 - 15th. We are so excited to return to camp
this year! There will be a schedule and list sent out soon for what
you will be needing to pack.

Fair Packets are due by June 16th, there is still some
families that need to stop by and get their packet.

The Exhibit Building needs volunteers! If you are interested in
helping in the Exhibit Building during the Marias Fair, there will be
a form in your packet.

We are still in search of a Treasurer for the Food Booth
Committee. It is not necessary to be a day chair, just someone who
is comfortable writing checks and balancing the checkbook. This is
not a busy, year round position, as most things happen around fair
time. If you have questions or you think you'd be interested, please
contact Wendy at wendy.wedum@montana.edu or 406-271-4052
As always, please let us know if you have any questions. You can
stop by the office anytime!
Kim & Jackie

Small Ag Committee Updates:
There will be a Small Animal Showmanship Clinic on June 30th @6:30 in the Seewald Barn. It will be a
clinic of how to properly show your animal for fair and also gives you a chance to ask questions that
you may have. Registration is on ZSuite.
See website for updated rules and schedule for the fair.

Livestock Committee Update:
See website for updated rules and schedule for fair.

Horse Updates:
See website for updated rules and schedule for fair.

Cloverbud Day Camp
Cloverbud camp will be June 9 at Williamson Park along the Marias River south of Shelby, from 10:45
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Details and a registration form will be on Z-Suite. All Marias Fair area Cloverbuds are
welcome for a day of activities, games and lunch. Cloverbuds will be making several items they can
enter in the fair as well.

The following 4-H members will need Livestock Quality Assurance this year:
We will have a quality assurance/food safety on June 30th @5:30 in the Extension Office.
Taylor Parsons Brinlee Flesch
Ty Parsons Morgan Riphenburg

Quality Assurance and Food Safety
Quality Assurance and Food Safety will be held on June 22nd @ 5:30pm at the Extension Office in the
courthouse. Parents should attend but it is not mandatory. Quality Assurance is required for all first
time livestock members and every other year per the livestock committee. Food Safety is required
every other year in order to work in the food booth.
4-H Family Passes

Please note, 4-H Family entertainment passes will be $150/family this year (immediate family only) and
the passes will include Indian Relay Races Thursday and Friday and Rodeo Saturday night and Sunday
afternoon. Fair expenses can quickly add up so we recommend budgeting now for these summer
expenses. If you receive a tax refund, earmarking part of that for summer activities, whether 4-H camp,
fair passes, school supplies, or otherwise, can be a great idea.
Skateboard Clinic & Contest.

On June 24th and 25th there will be a Skateboard Clinic and Contest. It is a free community event at the
Krysko Skate Park. If you would like any more information, visit the First Baptist Church website at

FairEntry Registration:
Registration for the Marias Fair is May 16 - June 16. Sign in to your account at mariasfair.fairentry.com.
Please pick up our fair packet if you haven't already. You can view Marias Fair rules and the Fairbook
which lists all the entries at http://mariasfair.msuextension.org/.
Packets will have some forms that need to be returned (printed on orange colored paper) and some
papers that are informational. Keep in mind that the camper and event pass form will be time and date
stamped when returned. If you are a new camper or a return camper wanting to change spots, you'll
want to turn in as early as possible.
Please read through everything and return any applicable forms and fees by June 16th. The deadline to
enter items on FairEntry is June 16th as well. The fairbook can be found at

Volunteer Opportunities at Fair:
Pre-fair clean-up is July 16th from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Youth & adult volunteers are needed to help set up
for the fair. Help is needed in the Exhibit Building and all barns (orange paper in packet).
Members participating in the Marias Fair are required to work a food booth shift. Youth and adult
volunteers are needed. Please be sure to list any conflicts or commitments during the fair. With this
information, best efforts will be made to accommodate your family (Sign up is online when you register
on FairEntry).
Helpers are needed to assist members and judges on Wednesday morning during Interview Judging,
July 20th in the Exhibit Building. (orange paper in packet).
Each County is responsible for setting up their display area in the Exhibit Building after all 4-H exhibits
have been judged. This takes place on Wednesday, July 20th from 6:30 to 8:00. Each county's
designated area rotates within the building from year to year. Some shelving, tables, peg board wall
hooks and decorations are stored at the fairgrounds. Members are encouraged to bring supplementary
materials to help with displays (orange paper in packet).
Livestock Members - The sale will be live and online again this year. If you would like your picture and
information to be available, please check out the information included in your packet. The deadline to
submit info is Monday, July 11th. If not submitted, members name and species only will be listed

Marias Valley Youth Rodeo Series
June 9 & 23 - July 14 & 29 - Aug 11 & 25
For directions and more information go to
fsbshelbymt.org/ rodeo Bible camp
Email mariasvalleyrodeo@gmail.com or you
could text (406) 470-0712


Livestock Showmanship Practice
There will be a 4-H livestock showmanship practice on Saturday, June 25 at 4 p.m. at Chris and Lacy Roberts
ranch. Members are encouraged to bring their animals and show equipment. Please RSVP to Lacy if you are
coming and will be bringing an animal, 406-209-5378.
They're at 205 Nepstad Road, Kevin, MT. All are welcome, they just need a headcount for dinner. Meat will be
provided, please bring a salad or side dish.

Marias Fair Sidewalk Project
Breaunna Erickson, of Pondera County, is the recipient of a $500 People Partner grant for her sidewalk
project at the Marias Fairgrounds. Breaunna is in the process of raising funds to add sidewalks to the
fairgrounds . This will allow people with mobility issues, families with strollers and basically everyone to
navigate the 4-H area of the fairgrounds more comfortably.
If you are interested in donating, you can contact the Pondera County Extension Office by calling
406.271.4054, e-mailing pondera@montana.edu or by mail at 20 4th Ave SW, Conrad, MT 59425. You can
also help out by donating an item to the annual silent auction held at the Exhibit Building at the fair.

Field Day
On Thursday June 23, 2022 the MSU Northern Agricultural Research Station is holding a field day. It is from
8:30am- 2:30pm. There will be presentations and activities with Ag Industry Specialists and MSU Faculty
members. This is a free event for ages 8- 19 years old. Registration is on ZSuite.

Small Ag Committee Fundraiser
The Small Ag Committee is hosting a fundraiser for funds to pay judges and make updates to the barn at
the fairgrounds. They will be selling insulated cups from Curiously Artistic in Cut Bank. They have two
design options, Marias Fair and "hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard." They are $20
each and the order form is included in this newsletter. Please let Kim know if you have any questions.

Join Montana 4-H for Montana 4-H Congress, “Be a
Super Hero” July 13-16, 2022 on the Bozeman campus
of Montana State University. We are sure this will prove
to be the highlight of your 4-H year. If you aren’t sure
what 4-H Congress is all about, just ask one of the
many Montana 4-Hers that have been coming to
congress year after year. The only complaint most have
is they don’t want to go home! The state deadline for
registration is June 15th. Please remember, youth must
be at least 13 years old as of October 1, 2021 and
chaperons must be certified 4-H Volunteers or MSU
Extension staff and at least 21 years of age.

2023 NILE Merit Heifer Program

The opportunity for kids to get started in the cattle industry is knocking, and loudly. Applications for
the NILE Merit Heifer program are now available for the 2022-2023 year.
The NILE Merit Heifer program is a live animal scholarship, meaning the recipients are given a young,
live, heifer calf. The objective is to help youth get a start in the beef cattle business and gain knowledge
about the beef industry.
Program participants are chosen based on merit, future goals, and ability to care for the animal. 4-H or
FFA members who are 12-16 years old may apply. Applicants are not limited to Montana residents.
During the program duration, participants are responsible for care-taking, record keeping, breeding,
and bringing the heifer back one year later to the NILE Stock Show & Rodeo. The class of merit heifer
recipients competes for best phenotype, top showman honors, best record book, best interview and
overall top herdsman.
Applications and a link to the YouTube video must be received no later than June 30, 2022 by 4 p.m.
The 2023 recipients will be announced in late summer of 2022. Applications are available online here.
Application Requirements:
complete application
character references
written essay
3-5 minute YouTube video (should include, but is not limited to):
an introduction
facility tour
current 4-H/FFA projects
goals and objectives for the Merit Heifer
voiced by the applicant
For more information go to thenile.org


Montana Make It With Wool Contest
The Montana Make It With Wool Contest will be held in person on October 22, 2022. It is hosted
by the American Sheep Industry and only happens once a year. Contestants include sewers,
knitters, crochets, felters, and designs. First place in the Junior and Senior divisions of
participating contest, as well as the At Large Contest, for non participating states, you are invited
to participate in the National Competition.
If you would like more information stop by the office and we will give you a brochure.

State Horse Show: September 9-11 at Cottonwood Equine Center in Joliet, MT.
Horse Ambassador Application: Youth 14 and up and riding level 3 or above to apply.
State Horse T-Shirt Design Contest: Email Emma Tracy with entries. Deadline July 15th
State Horse Essay Contest: Registration on Z-suite. Deadline August 15th
State Horse Photography Contest: Registration on Z-suite. Deadline August 15th

2022 Montana Livestock Shows
June 4 - Golden Triangle Preview in Great Falls (swine, lambs, goats)
June 10 - 11 - Champions Choice in Helena (lambs, goats, swine)
June 11 - 12 - Helena Jackpot (all species)
June 24 - Western Ranch Fitting and Showmanship Camp - Great Falls
June 25 - 26 - Western Ranch Jackpot - Great Falls (all species)

Montana 4-H State Horse Photography Contest
The photo must be taken between the dates of October 1, 2021 and the time of the entry. Photos may
only be submitted once and in only one category. Must be the original work of the 4-H member.

Photography Contest Categories
My 4-H Horse Project- show
The Registration on Z-suite opens on April 20, 2022 and closes on August 15, 2022.

Montana 4-H Beekeeping Series
Starting June 2nd there will be a series of different speakers to talk about the many different aspects of
beekeeping and pollinator health. It will be every Thursday in June.
Registration is available on ZSuite!
If you have any questions you can contact Emma: emma.tracy1@montana.edu


1st - Fair Board Meeting
7th- 4-H Council Meeting @ Toole County Extension Office
9th- Cloverbud Camp @ Marias River
5-9th- Health Rocks
13-16th- 4-H Camp
16th- Fashion Revue @ Exhibit Building
16th- Fair Packets Due
20-22nd- Range Days in Shelby
22nd- Livestock Committee Meeting 6 PM
22nd- Quality Assurance and Food Safety @ 5:30
28th- Small Animal Committee Meeting @ 6:30 @ MRE

4th- Office Closed- Independence Day
12-15th- 4-H Congress
16th- 4-H Clean-up
19-24th- Marias Fair
23rd- Marias Fair Livestock Sale