Return completed form by  -   Monday, February 19
To:  Valley County Extension Office

Date of Event:  FEBRUARY 25

Location:  Opheim School

Check in 1:30 pm  - -  Event starts promptly at 2:00 pm

All 4-H members are encouraged to participate from Cloverbuds to Seniors.

There are three age divisions plus Cloverbuds.

Circle your division based on how old you were at the beginning of the 4-H year (Oct 1, 2023)

___Sr Division 14+     ___Jr Division  11-13     ___Pre-Jr Division  9-10      ___Cloverbuds 

Name: _______________________________  4-H Club ___________________________________ 

Years in 4-H: _______________  Phone: __________________  e-mail: ______________________ 

Check event/events you wish to participate in:

(NOTE:  You may do more than one event but please take into consideration the amount of time needed for each event before you sign up for multiple events.)

Demonstration ______        Team Demonstration ______           Illustrated Talk ______         

Speech _______                   Career Communication ______          Short Take ______
                                                    (Interview)                                       (Impromptu)

Quilt Show & Tell ______

Gavel Games list team members:    1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________

                                                               3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________                                     


TITLE OF PRESENTATION:                                                 


Tell us a little something special about yourself to use in the introduction.  (This helps the announcer.)





Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating.  MSU is an equal/opportunity/affirmative action institution.

To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact Valley County Extension Office at 501 Court Square, #12 or call 228-6241.