Who are the supervisors for the buildings associated with your units?

Building Supervisors - Facilities Services

If you are the building supervisor, are you familiar with your responsibilities? Building Supervisor’s Handbook

Are you familiar with the safety procedures associated with your building?

If you would like a security walk-through, you can reach out to campus police to schedule that.


The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) provides faculty development workshops, certificates, sabbatical information, and internal grant opportunities: Center for Faculty Excellence

Does your unit have a new faculty mentoring program?

The CFE has a resource page for new faculty:  Welcome New Faculty


Who is the University Communications/MSU News liaison for your unit?  University Communications

Does your unit have a communication plan?  How do you communicate with your unit and how to you communicate with your external stakeholders, friends, and alumni?

If you need support responding to media, contact VP of University Communications, Tracy Ellig (tellig@montana.edu or 406-994-5607).

Are you familiar with university branding policy?   MSU Brand Guide

Are you familiar with the limits on political activity for state employees?  Free Speech Policy For questions about this, contact Tracy Ellig (tellig@montana.edu or 406-994-5607).


Office of the Registrar:  Office of the Registrar

To ensure you are the Registrar Listserv, or for general questions, contact registrar@montana.edu or call 994-6650.

Does your unit have a course scheduling process? Who are the key individuals involved with the process of scheduling, course fees and catalog changes?

Academic Term Calendar:  Academic Calendar

Need help with Brightspace? D2L Help - Resources for D2L.  Or email ecat@montana.edu


The University Data & Analytics provides access to useful data for planning, decision making and assessment:  University Data & Analytics

Are you familiar with the current MSU Strategic Plan, Choosing Promise? Strategic Plan

Read about progress here:  Goal Updates - Planning Council

You can find MSU’s institutional statistics here: Annual Institutional Reports

Student Enrollment: Enrollment

Faculty and Staff Data: Faculty and Staff Data

See performance indicators for your unit and the university here:  Academic Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)

Do you have access to Tableau Server:  Tableau Server (mus.edu) so you can see secure (not available on the public facing website) data on your unit?  If not, email opa@montana.edu.

Using Tableau, you can access your unit’s dashboard here:  Workbook: Department Dashboards (mus.edu)

OPA also has a list of all the MSU committees and councils for your reference:  MSU Committees and Councils


Diversity & Inclusion at MSU: Diversity & Inclusion Support

Have you met the Senior Diversity & Inclusion Officer? (Ariel Donohue:  ariel.donohue@montana.edu

Who is your unit’s Academic Diversity Partner? ADP - Diversity & Inclusion Support

Have you met the Director of the Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons? (Barbara do Amaral, diversity@montana.edu) :  Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons


MSU Police:  University Police; call 911 for emergencies, 994-2121 for non-emergencies. 

Have you met the Chief of Police? (Michael Stanley, mstanley@montana.edu)

Crime Reporting:  Crime Reporting

Learn about MSU’s emergency management plans here: Emergency Management

Don’t forget to download the SAFE CATS APP on your mobile device.


HR Policy for Performance Management:  Performance Management: Performance Evaluation

Are you set up to use the annual review workflow for faculty annual reviews in Digital Measures/Faculty Success?  Faculty Success 

Faculty Annual Review Process:  University Data & AnalyticsUniversity Data & Analytics.  Contact Associate Director Ian Godwin (igodwin@montana.edu) for instructions and support. 

Prior to the review, Ian Godwin will be emailing a list of faculty that you expect to have an annual review.

Do you have administrator access for campus labs to review faculty course evaluations? Electronic Course Evaluations.  Contact Ken Silvestri (Kenneth.silvestri@montana.edu  in the Center for Faculty Excellence for support/assistance.

Are you familiar with MSU’s Service Excellence Plan?


Who is your unit’s fiscal shared services partner?  Who in your unit is responsible for Business Operations (who is the BOM?).  Who is your unit’s fiscal manager? 

Fiscal Shared Services

Find My Service Team

Are you familiar with all of the indices associated with your unit, as well as their purpose?

Are you familiar with the spending rules for state, grant, and designated indices?

Are you familiar with Time and Effort reporting?


Who is the MSU Alumni Foundation liaison for your unit?

Resource:  MSU Alumni Foundation - Home (msuaf.org)



Who is the Human Resources Business Partner for your unit? Human Resources

Are you set up to approve Time Sheets for your supervisees?

Are you familiar with the payroll schedule?  Pay Calendar - Biweekly Payroll

MSU Human Resources: Human Resources

Professional Development Opportunities:  Professional Development & Training (also see ‘Center for Faculty Excellence’ above)

Are you familiar with ATS (Applicant Tracking System)? Applicant Tracking System

Are you familiar with the search committee process? Recruitment, Hiring & Onboarding

Are you familiar with MSU’s Collective Bargaining Agreements? Collective Bargaining Agreements



Office of Institutional Equity: Office of Institutional Equity

You are a mandatory reporter—have you taken the training? Equity Training - Institutional Equity 

File a Report:  Protected Class Discrimination and Harassment (maxient.com)



Does your unit conduct international programs?   Office of International Programs



Contact the Office of the Provost to ensure you are on the Department Head Listserv (Julie Heard:  jheard@montana.edu)



Review the Faculty Handbook (and remind your faculty that most policies are clearly stated here): Faculty Handbook

MSU Policies and Procedures: MSU Policies and Procedures

Policies of special interest to unit leaders:

Graphic Identity and Branding Policy

Emergency Management Policy

Free Speech Policy

Space Management Policy

Relationships with Students Policy

Procurement Policy and Procedures

Conflict of Interest


Provost’s Office: MSU Office of the Provost

The Provost’s Office provides links to many useful resources for faculty and staff:  Faculty & Staff Resources


Office of Research and Economic Development

Who is the Office of Sponsored Programs liaison for your unit? Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)

Are you familiar with IRDs?  Institutional Research and Development (IRD) funds

Are you familiar with IPRs? Incentive Program for Researchers

What human resource infrastructure does your unit have to support faculty research and PIs?

Does your unit have policies and procedures related to grant activity such as training, pre-proposal requirements, course buyouts, etc.?

Have you met the staff in the Office of the VP for Research and Economic Development?  Staff - Office of Research & Economic Development



Contact the Graduate School to ensure you are on the Department Head and other Listservs: Graduate School Staff



Have you been trained to conduct RTP reviews?  Contact the Office of the Provost (Julie Heard:  jheard@montana.edu) for training opportunities.

Review the Faculty Handbook

RTP process, deadlines, and workflow:  Retention, Tenure & Promotion

RTP documents can be found here: Role and Scope documents

Does your unit have a shared system for tracking faculty through the RTP process (do you know where each family member is in the process)?

How do you collect important documents like Letters of Hire, MOUs, and previous review letters? 



Who are your unit’s professional academic advisors?

Advising Commons: Advising Commons

Advising Commons locations: Advising Centers

Does your unit have an Advising Plan?

Who is your unit’s student success coordinator or Assistant Dean? Assistant Deans' Council



Have you met the Dean of Students?

Office of the Dean of Students:  Office of the Dean of Students

Make a CARE Referral for a student or employee:  MSU CARE Program

What is the student concern process in your unit? If students have concerns or complaints, does your unit have a process?

Are you familiar with the Student Code of Conduct and how to report a violation?



Employees are required to complete IEFA training:  Indian Education for All in Montana for One MUS

Mandatory Reporter Training: Equity Training - Institutional Equity

OSP offers PI training: Principal Investigator Training - Office of Sponsored Programs

Safety & Risk Management offers other required training for PIs: Training Requirements - Safety & Risk Management

The Office of Research Compliance offers training regarding conflicts of interest:  Conflicts of Interest Training - Office of Research Compliance

Additionally, Equity Training is offered through MyInfo, login and select “MyApps”.



Bozeman Help Desk:  406-994-1777, helpdesk@montana.edu

Who is your UIT Strategic Partner? UIT