When Montana State University begins its fall semester on Aug. 17, it will offer courses in several ways:

  • In-person. Students and faculty will work together in a classroom or laboratory at a scheduled time.
  • Virtual. Classes will meet via web-based technologies at a scheduled time so that students and instructors interact in real-time. This is also called synchronous delivery.
  • Online. These classes have no scheduled meeting time. Interaction, learning and dialog take place asynchronously, allowing students to access learning at their convenience.
  • Blended. In-person and virtual or online elements are combined to take full advantage of the opportunities each medium offers.

All of these delivery modes will be used during the 2020 fall semester. Because social distancing requirements limit MSU's available physical space, as well as the possibility that a higher-than-usual number of students will prefer online classes, there will be more courses than usual which use virtual, blended or online delivery modes in the fall.

Finding out how your course will be delivered

The delivery of courses will be reflected in the schedule of classes available in MyInfo. There, students will find notes indicating if a class is “Internet/Online” or “Blended.” Listings without these added notes will be offered face-to-face in the classroom at the time listed.

  • Internet/Online, also referred to as "Remote," classes can be offered either synchronously, meaning students meet at a specific time and participate with class in real time, or asynchronously, meaning they engage with course materials without a specific meeting time. Internet/Online listings that include days and times are synchronous; no dates and times mean the course is offered asynchronously.
  • Blended courses are offered partially online but with a significant portion of them conducted in-person. Students can check their Brightspace/D2L accounts as the start of the semester approaches to see how their instructor will manage the blend to ensure the best possible learning environment. Students are expected to attend the face-to-face portions of these classes in person.

Students are urged to take the time to review the classes they have registered for and to understand how all of these changes impact their schedules. Please visit MyInfo and Brightspace/D2L regularly, as class delivery may continue to change in response to new information and circumstances.

Course delivery principles

MSU has established several principles to guide its departments and colleges about the delivery mode for each course they offer. The goal of these principles is to help students succeed while minimizing the risk to them, faculty members and staff.

  • In-person delivery is prioritized in the classes of first-year students in small enrollment classes, in a broad selection of CORE (general education) classes, and in capstone classes of upper division students.
  • Blended delivery is preferred for courses that feature collaborative, active learning among groups of students. Such collaborative activities can safely be done virtually, while blended, regular, in-person instruction builds community and a promotes common learning experience.
  • Blended delivery is also preferred in special use spaces, the in-person experience may be reserved for work that cannot be adapted to a virtual modality, while exercises that are more conducive to remote practice are shifted to virtual or online delivery.
  • In-person and blended delivery will be used for courses that are difficult to deliver in other modalities such as laboratories, field courses, studio courses and recitations.
  • Blended, virtual or online delivery will be used in large enrollment classes that lack suitable space, while distancing practices are in place.
  • Online sections will also be available for interested students in courses with multiple sections, the bulk of which will be offered in-person.
  • Online classes will also be used in upper division and graduate classes that lend themselves to effective delivery in the online mode.

Additional information

Questions about classes can be directed to advisingcommons@montana.edu, and students can learn more about the different course delivery modes from our Academic Technology and Outreach office[BROKEN LINK]. Specific questions about majors and programs of study should be directed to course faculty or academic departments.

More information, including information on enhanced technology in classrooms and remote learning spaces for students, is available in MSU's Roadmap for Fall 2020.

Updated: July 14, 2020