Lynda Sexson


Research Interests

  • Text and Image
  • Myth and Metaphor
  • Nature
  • Gender


  • PhD, Syracuse University, New York, NY, 1982

Awards, Honors, and Affiliations

  • Provost's Award for Undergraduate Research/Creativity Mentoring, 2011.
  • Chamber of Commerce Award for Excellence, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2003, 2000.
  • Humanities Montana grants for planning and production, “My Book and Heart Shall Never Part,” Writer and Director, 2008.
  • College of Letters and Science Outstanding Teaching Award, 2003.
  • The President’s Excellence in Teaching Award, 2000.
  • The Writers Community Writer-in-Residence, YMCA National Writer’s Voice, 2000.
  • The Charles and Nora L Wiley Faculty Award for Meritorious Research, 1997.
  • Phi Kappa Phi Award for Distinguished Teaching, Anna Krueger Fridley Distinguished Teacher Award, 1993.
  • Fellowship in Literature, awarded by the Montana Arts Council, for 1989-1990.
  • Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award, for excellence in fiction, to Margaret of the Imperfections, March, 1989.
  • Betty Coffey Award,1988.
  • The Montana Award in the Humanities, Montana Committee for the Humanities, 1984
  • Djerassi Foundation Artist-in-Residence. 1984,1983.
  • LOGON ’83, (co-director), awarded the Helen and Martin Schwartz Prize, as the exemplary humanities program in the United States, National Federation of State Humanities Councils,1984.
  • Book events for my work, American Academy of Religion, Denver, 2001; American
  • Academy of Religion, Western Region, Claremont, California, 1989, (and elsewhere).

Recent Publications

  • Loves and Wishes, a limited-edition, illustrated, letterpress edition of the story. Black Mountain Press, forthcoming.
  • "Eye of a White Rabbit,” GARGOYLE, Number 57, forthcoming.
  • Gods after God: an Introduction to Contemporary Radical Theologies, book review, IMPLICIT RELIGION, forthcoming
  • CORONA: Marking the Edges of Many Circles. A Journal of Arts and Ideas. Founder and Co-Editor. Volume V, 2009.
  • "The Duct-Tape Side of the Moon: Rip Van Winkle and the Separation," The Kenyon Review, 2009.
  • "Sally, Lucky, Ghost, and Spot," Image, Number 56. Winter, 2007-2008.
  • “The Thunderbolt Stitches,” in DISTURBANCES IN THE FIELD: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF DAVID L MILLER. Ed. Christine Downing.  Spring Journal Books, 2006.
  • “Bride's Blood and God's Laugh: Reading the Evidence of Desire on 'The Blank Page' of the
  •  Torah,” (originally in RELIGION AND LITERATURE), SHORT STORY CRITICISM, vol. 75, 2005.


  • My Book and Heart Shall Never Part, Director and Writer, Corona Productions, 2008.