Below is list of Frequently Asked Questions from Departments and HR Reps.

Don't see your question listed below? Email it to


Helpful Tips

  • Make sure and move applicants through workflow queues, if you know you will not be considering an applicant any further in a search move them into the appropriate state with reason, so regret emails get generated.  The history tab for the applicant will track all movement of an applicant so move in workflows at each step of evaluation, so we are in compliance with all the state and federal programs that track our hiring info.
  • ATS does not need full HTML to format correctly, short cuts added to Position Management Manual.
Check your Role!  This is the most common issue, if you are a Dept. Head and serving on a Search Committee you need to be in the Search Committee Member role to be able to find the posting you need to review, system default is employee, unless you have updated your default role.


Contact Human Resources, most likely the vacancy was changed after posting and was not republished to the web with changes, this should be a simple correction for HR.  If this is not a simple change HR does have the ability to move candidates for you, not ideal, but an option.

Check with HR, there is a weight indicator that may not have been added, this is a quick fix.

Suspendisse potenti. Proin quis mattis est. Suspendisse elementum, nunc et tincidunt scelerisque, tellus sapien aliquet est, vel dignissim orci sapien quis dolor. Donec sollicitudin, nulla varius cursus ultrices, massa tellus vulputate nisi, id iaculis elit dolor in leo. Etiam volutpat, nunc rutrum congue ultricies, velit ligula accumsan purus, sed fringilla mauris eros vel eros. Sed posuere nisi et aliquam vehicula. Aenean faucibus justo at scelerisque auctor. Pellentesque tristique consequat dui in varius. Nunc pulvinar cursus sem, at maximus purus volutpat ac. Donec eu risus congue, tincidunt augue at, gravida diam. Ut nec vestibulum lacus, id volutpat urna. Donec ut est ut odio rhoncus varius.

Donec in magna justo. Proin maximus, nibh ac tristique vehicula, libero nibh cursus magna, eu volutpat urna felis sit amet orci. Curabitur vitae tellus nisi. Aliquam condimentum enim libero. Integer ut cursus odio. Sed iaculis blandit convallis. Sed ultricies massa turpis, quis vehicula magna bibendum non. Morbi tempor elit ut sem tempus vulputate.