Course  Course Title Date Time


Reference for the previous Financial Development Certificate Course Descriptions

FD101 Budget Basics and MSU Funding Sources

Overview: In this course we will learn about the basics of budgeting at MSU. We will review; various fund types and their sources of revenue/income, types of transactions handled by Budget Office vs. those handled by UBS,  budget cycle, accounting cycle (Fiscal Year End, how Budget and UBS work together, combined timeline), and more.  The class also includes learning about MSU Funding Sources and how funds move across the University and between departments.

Why should you Attend: This course will provide entry level training intended for all individuals on campus who will be working with departmental budgets or are involved in the budgeting process.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Review various fund types and their sources of revenue/income
  • Working with Foundation funds
  • Types of transactions handled by Budget Office vs. those handled by UBS
  • How funds move across the University, between departments
  • Budget cycle, Accounting cycle (Fiscal Year End, how Budget and UBS work together, combined timeline)
  • Discuss various types of budget adjustments and how they appear in the Operating Ledger
  • Budget and Fund Balance reports
  • Overview of grant budgeting
  • Budgeting in CatBooks

FD201 Accounts Payable

  • Preparing BPAs correctly
  • Checking vendor information in Banner
  • Wire transfers
  • Payments to foreign vendors
  • Has my payment been processed?
  • W-9s, 1099s, and other tax issues
  • P-cards, coding activity in Banner and reporting
  • Review travel issues and where to find the info/answers – per diem, mileage, high rate lodging, currency conversion, etc.
  • Review various travel forms
  • Processing travel - advances, reconciliations, foreign travel

FD401 Basic Procurement

Overview: In this course we will learn about Basic Procurement or how do we properly acquire assets and services at MSU.  We will learn who to contact if you have any questions.

Why should you Attend: This course will provide entry level training intended for all individuals on campus who might be spending University dollars.  This training features a broad overview of University procurement policies and procedures. 

Areas Covered in the Session:

  •  Delegated authority
  • Total contract value
  • Purchases under $5,000, between $5000.01 and $25,000, and over $25,000
  • Sole Source/Brand Name Justifications
  • Procurement encumbrances 
  • Exempt from procurement procedures
  • Direct buy opportunities - Term Contracts

FD501 Revenue Collection

  • Risks of and internal controls for revenue collection
  • Accounts receivable
  • MSU policies applicable to certain types of revenue
  • MSU procedures for collecting revenue
  • Credit card revenue
  • Grant revenue
  • Change funds and petty cash

FD601 Reconciliation Best Practices

Overview: The FD601 Reconciliation Best Practices workshop will provide information helpful to those working in the area of finance. It will address some of the basic questions like; What is Reconciliation? Why Reconcile? and Who Reconciles. Also discussed will be a few of the basic guidelines, such as; frequency, reports used, segregation of duties, documentation, management review. and researching and correcting errors identified.

FD701 Internal Control in Higher Education

Overview: In this course we will learn about the importance of internal controls in a university system and how not following proper guidelines can lead to problems down the road. Topics include; the standards for internal control in the federal government, discussions of the 5 elements and 17 principles of internal control, areas where internal control processes should commonly be implemented at MSU, and tools for assessing and improving internal control processes in your unit.

Why should you Attend: To gain a better understanding of the auditing process and requirements along with understanding internal controls within the university system in order to eliminate potential issues in the future.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Based on the Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (aka The Green Book)
  • Discussions of the 5 elements and 17 principles of internal control
  • Areas where internal control processes should commonly be implemented at MSU
  • Tools for assessing and improving internal control processes in your unit

FD801 Asset Management

  • Capital and minor equipment inventories – who’s responsible for what?
  • Dealing with Trade-Ins
  • Disposals and Transfers of assets
  • Surplus property
  • The role of Procurement, Property Management and Accounting
  • Federally owned assets – tracking and inventory’

FD901 Encumbrances

  • Explanation of encumbrance processes and how they relate to PTF changes
  • Salary encumbrance calculations
  • Fringe benefit encumbrance calculations
  • Tips & tricks for troubleshooting encumbrance errors
  • internal controls and the auditing process

FD1101 Financial Management Hot Topics

  • Topic will vary each year
  • 2019-2020  - Chrome River

 FD1150 Research Administration 


  • Working with the Office of Sponsored Programs
    • Federal guidelines governing accounting practices for grants and contracts
    • Understanding and monitoring grant budgets
    • Facilities and administrative costs
    • Budget modifications
    • Multiple year budgets
    • Using Banner screens and SAIS Web Reports
    • Tracking and reporting Cost Sharing
    • Time & Effort reporting
    • Program Income
    • Closing out a grant


FD1170 OPTIONAL: Cost Sharing

  • Understanding Cost Sharing as it relates to Sponsored Programs
  • What is Cost Sharing?
  • MSU’s Cost Sharing Policy
  • Purpose of Time and Effort Reporting
  • Tracking and Reporting Cost Sharing
    • T&E system
    • Activity Codes
  • Tools for tracking cost sharing
  • Roles and Responsibilities



 To register, please visit MSU Registration, and use your NetID and NetID Password to enroll. 

 For more information, please contact Terry Bishop: