The College of Letters and Science invites faculty to nominate MSU faculty engaged in biomedical-related research for the honor of the Kopriva MSU Faculty Lectureship. 

The MSU College of Letters and Science established the Kopriva Science Seminar Endowment in 1991 through a generous gift from Phil Kopriva, a 1957 graduate of MSU in biological sciences and chemistry. The endowment supports a lecture series in the general area of biomedical sciences, recognizing outstanding interdisciplinary research in complex biological systems or biomedical science. Outstanding external biomedical researchers, recipients of the Kopriva Graduate Student Fellowship and the recipient of the Kopriva Faculty Lecturership, give Kopriva Science Seminar lectures. 

Recipients of the Kopriva Faculty Lectureship lecturers are selected based on the excellence and interdisciplinary impact of their research and the breadth of general interest in that research. The lectures will be open to the entire campus community and the general public, and substantial consideration will be given to the selection of lecturers that are excellent communicators as well as excellent scientists. 

In addition to a reception honoring the Kopriva MSU Faculty Lecturer following the lecture, the lecturer will receive an honorarium of $500.


The deadline for application is TBA. The recipient of the lectureship is typically announced at the beginning of each academic year.


Forward the following materials to Office of the Dean, College of Letters and Science, 2-205 Wilson Hall, or send them via email to

  1. CV of nominee
  2. A brief statement of the research to be presented at the Kopriva Science Seminar lecture.
  3. MSU Faculty Lecture outlining its importance and contribution to interdisciplinary work in complex biological systems or biomedical science.