The College of Letters & Science is dedicated to helping students navigate the suspension process. David Cherry, the associate dean for student success and curriculum, provides support to those within our college. If you have questions about the process, please contact the Dean's Office at 406-994-4288, or

MSU's Suspension Policy

Students are encouraged to review MSU's Undergraduate Student Scholastic Warning and Suspension and The Graduate School's Academic Probation & Suspension

The Office of Academic Affairs will contact students if they are placed on academic warning or suspension.

Academic Warning

Occurs when a student's cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) drops below 2.00 on a 4.0 scale after the student has attempted at least two semesters, excluding summer semesters.

Academic Suspension Occurs when a student's cumulative GPA remains below 2.00 after the student has been placed on academic warning, or when a student's cumulative GPA drops again below 2.00 while on suspend-reinstate status.

Please note that academic warnings and suspensions are based on a student's cumulative GPA.

Suspension Options

Appealing a Suspension

  • Suspension appeal cover sheet
  • Written piece detailing your circumstances and academic struggles
  • Plan for how to succeed upon your return
  • Statement of academic purpose

Please call 406-994-4288 to schedule an appointment with Associate Dean Cherry. Your packet will need to be complete before your meeting. 

You will submit your packet at the time of your appeal meeting with the associate dean. This can be done either in-person with a hard copy, or the packet can be scanned and emailed to the College of Letters & Science Academic Services Manager, Sheridan Peña, at

Packets will be accepted for consideration only after thestudent meets with Associate Dean Cherry.

After submitting your suspension appeal to the Dean's Office, it will be forwarded to the Appeals Board for review, evaluation, and decision. The Appeals Board will notify the Associate Dean and the Office of the Registrar of their decision. You will be contacted regarding your suspension appeal status before the next semester begins, usually by email. 


Students are reinstated after a successful suspension appeal. Per the discretion of the Office of Academic Affairs, students will be placed on academic warning or suspend-reinstate status when they re-enroll. This status will be removed once a student's cumulative GPA is above 2.00.

Upon return from a suspension-related absence, you are expected to meet with the associate dean. These meetings serve as a resource to help orient you in your returning semester and is generally a time to review your classes, discuss your academic standing, and connect you to additional resources as needed. 

Call 406-994-4288 to schedule an appointment with Associate Dean Cherry.

If you plan to change your major to one outside of the College of Letters & Science, contact the Dean's Office in your new academic college to inform them of your academic situation and to set up a return appointment with their associate/assistant dean.

Second Wind

Second Wind is a program of the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success and is open to students who have been suspended for the first time. Participants receive the opportunity to return to campus right away and continue pursuing their degrees. More information is available on Second Wind's website.

Becca Burgmeier
Second Wind Program Manager
Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success


Sheridan Peña
Academic Services Manager
College of Letters & Science