Band camp is a week of rehearsals and performances which occur prior to the start of the fall semester. During this time, we log a third of our total hours for the entire season. Because we learn most of our music and drill during camp, attendance is required for all members. Please refer to the camp schedule for dates and details. 

Plan for a successful band camp

  1. Early Move-in. This is a huge advantage for members of the marching band that allows you to miss the mad rush of traditional move-in day. Plan to arrive in time to get yourself set-up before band camp begins. Please note that Resident Life does charge for early move-in. The band will pay for your early move-in to attend camp.
  2. Dress appropriately. Band camp is not the time to show off all the recent fashions--save that for the first week of classes. During camp we spend nearly all day outside. It can be hot and dry (and sometimes smoky). The sun is very potent at 4800 feet, so bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. The band will provide water and snacks. Closed-toe "tennis" shoes and socks are required for band camp.
  3. Meals. While the band will provide some meals during camp, students will also need to have money to cover their own meals. Note that the dining halls don't open for meal plans until offical MSU "Move-In Day". The bnad will provide light breakfast snacks during camp along with seveal meals for lunch and dinner. Please refer to the camp schedule.
  4. Equipment. You will need your own flip folder to store music and drill. Some of our instruments are equipped with lyres, but many are not. If you have your own method for seeing music while you play, please bring it with you. We do not own extra lyres for folks that are using their own instruments. You are responsible for your own reeds, oil, etc. Flip folders are available for purchase for at camp.
  5. Uniform. The band will supply you with a T-shirt for informal on-campus events during camp. In addition,  we ask that all members also have long khaki pants (see below for color). You will needthese for the M Photo.
  6. Band Registration. All members please report to Howard Hall for camp. We are located on campus on 11th street right across from the duck pond--ENTER FROM THE 11TH STREET DOORS PLEASE. First-year members are required to sign up for a two-hour band registration block. Parents are welcome to attend. Sign-ups are available on the Membership Agreement Form.
  7. Most Important. Band camp is our opportunity to learn most of our music, technique, and drill for the season. It is therefore essential that all members attend camp. However, it is also a special time when we all get to know each other. We won't pretend to say that every moment is super fun, but there are a lot of super fun moments. Camp is a bonding experience that will last all year (and hopefully several years). Many of us will meet lifelong friends through the Spirit of the West. 

Band camp checklist 

__Returning members ONLY--bring SotW T-shirt and hat from last year

__Water bottle (tap water is available, but you need your own container)

__View the camp schedule on our website and know when to report

__Complete the Membership Agreement. This will reserve your place at camp and is required of all members!!!

__All members--except color guard--must have long khaki pants for the M photo (last day of camp). Tan, Sand-Colored; NOT White; NOT Jeans; NOT Shorts. Please match this color as closely as possible:


__Black (all black) socks (one pair for camp)

__Marching shoes (flat black) OR money for marching shoes: $45.00--checks are okay but not credit cards

__Closed-toe athletic shoes to be worn for all rehearsals at camp

__Sun hat/glasses and sunscreen

__Spending money for meals (see above) and NEW SotW Merch (sold by Kappa)

__Instrument, mouthpiece, valve oil/reeds, neck strap, etc. (amazing how often this stuff is forgotten)

__Just in case: Face Mask/Bell Cover (if you have these)

__Woodwind and Brass players will need music "flip book" (available for purchase at camp for $10)

__Drumline members will need a 3-ring notebook and practice pad (no practice pad for cymbal players)

__Health and safety: Be sure to stock up on prescriptions (especially inhalers) for camp. We will have a supply of common OTC medications available. Plan for a busy, hot, and potentially smoky week.

__Parking: The band does not pay for parking during camp. However you plan on getting to campus during the year is how you should plan to arrive for camp. Please note that parking is enforced during camp, so plan ahead to avoid getting a fine.

__Dorms: You will be getting into your dorm room that you will have for the year, so this will serve as your official MSU move-in. We do not provide housing for band members who are not living in the dorms during the semester.

__Ask questions if you have any. The best ideas always come from students, and there are always other people with the same question that you have. Ask away!

Stay Healthy -- Sun, Smoke, and Noise.

Band members are responsible for monitoring their own health during camp and the season. This includes taking preventative measures and reporting  to us when not feeling well. Notify the band managers if you are ill or suffer from a condition that is exasperated by sun, heat, smoke, or stress. We have a selection of OTC drugs and first aid supplies that are available upon request.

Sun. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing including hat, sunglasses, and closed-toe athletic shoes during camp. The band will have a limited amount of sunscreen at camp, but members are encouraged to bring their own. Regular application of sunscreen is a must at high elevations in the summer.

Water. The air is very dry in Montana. Band members will be provided a SotW reusable water bottle for camp. Water will be available throughout camp. We will encourage regular hydration at camp, but it is up to each member to stay rested and hydrated.

Smoke. Late summer is forest fire season in the northern rockies. Often times we encounter forest fire smoke during camp or parts of the season. In the case of severe smoke exposure, we will limit our outdoor activities. This might include shortening rehearsal blocks, moving music rehearsals indoors, or ceasing to run or even play while learning drill outdoors. 

Noise. Please note that you will encounter high decibel levels while participating in the marching band. This most often occurs in music rehearsal settings and especially indoors. The band does have a limited supply of ear plugs on hand, but not enough for everyone all the time. It is highly encouraged that members acquire ear plugs and keep them handy during rehearsals. Please consult the School of Music page on Health and Safety for more information.

Cold. Although rare during band camp, in the case of cold weather, band events will continue. Include a rain jacket when packing for the semester. If it rains during rehearsal, we will either ask the woodwind players to put their instruments away or pass out bags to keep the water out of the keys.

Emergencies. In the case of emergency situations, we will notify campus safety immediately. The best thing to do to stay healthy during camp is to stay hydrated and let us know in advance if you suffer from a medical condition that may affect your ability to participate in band activities. IMPORTANT--Any event or condition that impacts a band member's ability to meet our attendance, participation, and/or performance exceptions MUST be reported through the Office of Student Success. This is the only way that you can receive special accommodation in the band.