Kaja Anderson

Kaja Anderson

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Fall 2024

From: Fort Peck, MT; Sioux and Assiniboine Nations

Research interests: Native American military service in WWI

Wesley Cawood

Wes Cawood


From: Lancaster, PA

Education: B.S. in Conservation Biology

Research Interest: Decolonizing food systems, food sovereignty, companion ways of knowing

Vance Crooked Arm

Douglas Vance Crooked Arm

From: I am from the Crow Indian Reservation and live in Pryor, MT
Tribal Affiliation: Apsáalooke
Education: I Graduated from Little Big Horn College with an Associate of Arts in 1999; University of Montana-Western with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. I'm currently a college instructor at the Little Big Horn College, mainly teaching the Crow Language, Music, and Dance of the Crow Indians.
Research Interests: My area of interest is Apsáalooke Language Revitalization and Indigenous Revitalization.
Dawn Delaney-Aimsback

Dawn Delaney-Aimsback


From: I am an enrolled member and from the Amskapi Pikuni Nation. 

Education: Bachelor of Art - Environmental Studies

Research Interests: Native American Policy and current Native American topics that are of concern of one's culture; the representation of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, the representation of Contemporary Native American issues, and Climate Change adaptation.

Videography and GIS will allow me to highlight language and its relationship to the land, through an interactive educational story map, which I plan to give to the local Tribal College Library. Showcasing the rich and long history within the given landscape, will help guide and educate the next generation and pass on Indigenous ways of knowing, within the Amskapi Pikuni community.

Laura Fairbanks

Laura Fairbanks


From: Obaashiing! Ponemah, Minnesota

Origin: Dakota/Ojibwe, descendant of The Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana, and enrolled member of the Red Lake Nation

Education: Indigenous Studies degree, double minor international relations, political science

Interests: Language revitalization, Boys and Girls Clubs and student organizations, building international relationships with other Indigenous and Tribal Nations, Native American history. 

MSU Department of Native American Studies

Taylor Pajunen

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Fall 2024

MSU Department of Native American Studies

Sinai Soriano

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Fall 2024

Rebecca Warner

Rebecca Warner


From: Boulder, MT

Research Interests: Preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages; and combining conventional medical knowledge with plant knowledge for community wellness and food sovereignty.

MSU Department of Native American Studies

Lisa Wright Lamkins

Caleb Williams

Caleb Williams

From: Billings, MT
Tribal Affiliation: Enrolled Sokaogon Chippewa from Mole Lake, WI. Descendent of Assiniboine-Sioux in Fort Peck, MT and Chippewa-Cree in Rocky Boy, MT.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies from Amherst College, MA.
Research Interests: My interests are food availability, food accessibility, and general indigenous food sovereignty initiatives. 
Levi Yellowmule

Levi Yellowmule

From: Crow Agency, the Mighty Few District

Tribal Affiliation: Crow Nation
Education: Instructor at Little Big Horn College
Research Interest: Crow language, Crow history, and Crow oral history