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I. Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to prevent transmission of disease-causing agents by preventing, minimizing or controlling cross-contamination of body fluids (feces, urine, saliva, etc.)  between animals, animals to feed, animals to equipment, from animals to humans or from humans to animals that may directly or indirectly contact other novel animals. Biosecurity management practices are designed to prevent the spread of disease by minimizing the movement of biologic organisms and their vectors (viruses, bacteria, rodents, flies, etc.).

II. Scope:

This applies to all animal users working under an AACUC approved protocol. Principal Investigators are responsible for working with facility managers in ensuring staff are trained on facility specific biosecurity requirements.

III. Definitions:

Biosecurity: Measures taken to prevent the transfer of pathogenic organisms and subsequent infection of production animals by humans, vermin, or other means.

IV. Guidance:

Agricultural animal care staff must maintain a high biosecurity standard, so each facility must have a documented biosecurity plan in place ensuring both human and animal factors are accounted for. The AACUC recommends working with stakeholders, consulting veterinarians and the AACUC Program Veterinarian to develop these procedures. Important considerations concerning biosecurity recommendations are outlined in the Ag Guide.



AACUC Approval Date: August 27, 2024

Review Date: August 27, 2024

Issue Date: August 30, 2024