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I. Purpose:

Post Approval Monitoring (PAM) aims to help ensure the well-being of humans and vertebrate animals involved in research.  The AACUC PAM program promotes collegiality and takes an informational approach. The PAM process offers Principal Investigators and researchers assistance and resources to successfully navigate AACUC policies and processes.

II. Scope:

This policy applies to Principal Investigators (PI) and all individuals involved in research animal care and use at MSU.

III. Definitions:

PAM: Post Approval Monitoring

IV. Process:

Laboratories may be selected randomly, at the request of the AACUC, veterinary staff, animal care staff, or lab personnel.

V. Procedures:

The Principal Investigator (PI) and associated personnel will receive advance (30 days) notice if their research study or protocol is selected for PAM including communication of relevant information and resources to aid in PAM preparation.  Typical methods for PAM may include all, but are not limited to, the following activities:


  1. PAM Team personnel visit the laboratory (if applicable) and the facility where the animals are housed, and procedures are performed. Veterinary staff may also participate in the visit.
  2. Procedures on the selected protocol(s) are observed and any departure from the approved protocol(s) is noted.
  3. Procedures and protocols may be reviewed by the PAM Team in lieu of or in addition to an observation. The PAM Team may provide protocol change recommendations to ensure consistency, avoid duplicative information, and/or increase flexibility within the ASP.
  4. PIs are given the opportunity to make corrections by modifying techniques and/or by submitting an amendment to their protocol(s).



ILAR Journal, Volume 49, Issue 4, 1 January 2008, Pages 402–418



AACUC Approval Date: August 27, 2024

Review Date: August 27, 2024

Issue Date: August 30, 2024