Committee Composition

  • The IRB consists of at least 5 members who are appointed by the Director of the Office of Compliance at MSU with suggestions from other committee members, the IRB Administrator, and members of the faculty.
  • IRB members are appointed for 3 year terms by the Director of the Office of Research Compliance. Members can be appointed to consecutive terms indefinitely.
  • At least two members of the IRB must be non-scientists. These members should be able to review the research from the viewpoint of subjects and may have expertise in law, religion, ethics or matters relevant to committee work.
  • The scientific members of the committee should provide a broad representation of physical, biological and behavioral sciences as well as health professions.
  • The IRB Administrator is an ex-officio member of the IRB.
  • The IRB Chair is appointed by the Director of the Office of Compliance.
  • It is up to each committee member to inform the Chair if a conflict of interest exists regarding any protocol they review (i.e. relationship to an investigator, monetary interest in a protocol, etc.). Members with conflicts may be present for discussion, but will be asked to step out of the room for final discussion and voting. Members with conflicts are not allowed to vote or serve as primary reviewer on relevant protocols.
  • IRB members receive ongoing training via handouts or discussion by the IRB Administrator on new topics and changes related to IRB functions.

Current Committee Members

  • Mark Quinn, PhD. Professor - Microbiology & Immunology - Chair
  • Tracy Gatlin, BS. Fiscal Manager - Office of Research Development
  • Kaylin Greene, PhD. Associate Professor - Sociology & Anthropology
  • Scott Monfort, PhD. Assistant Professor - Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
  • Brandon Scott, PhD, Assistant Professor - Psychology
  • Vanessa Simonds, PhD. Assistant Professor - Health & Human Development
  • Stacy Stellflug, PhD. Assistant Professor - College of Nursing
  • Tom Stonecipher, JD. Lawyer (Community Representative)
  • Brenna Szott, IRB Administrator and Program Manager - Office of Research Compliance

 Alternate Committee Members

  • Alexandra Adams, M.D., PhD. Director for the Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity (CAIRHE)
  • Laura Larsson, PhD. Professor - College of Nursing
  • Roxanne Klingensmith, Prisoner Advocate