This form is for IRB Protocols only. If you are on a different type of protocol please use the other form.

Once your account has been created you will receive an email notification to email entered on form. These requests are usually processed within 48 business hours. 

 denotes required fields.

This form is to be completed if you are or will be working on an IRB protocol. Additional information is needed for the correct privileges to be given.
This must be a MSU email account - TOPAZ does not send to gmail. If this is a non-MSU email you will not be added to TOPAZ
If you are updating your name please list previous name
ex: a11b222
If this is a class requirement, please provide instructor name
If this is a class requirement, please provide instructor email
Please select the type of protocol you will be working on. Please refer to Types of Review.

If you are a student, you can only be a PI on Exempt Level Protocols.
Please select the best option to describe your position and role for the protocol.
Any additional information you wish to provide can be entered here.