Hally Strevey
Increase knowledge about the biology, ecology and integrated management of tall buttercup, a poorly understood species on the Montana noxious weed list.
Ranunculus acris (tall buttercup) is a perennial noxious weed commonly found in moist fields, pastures,
grasslands, and irrigated and sub-irrigated meadows. It was listed as a Montana state
noxious weed in 2003 and is a category 2A weed. Tall buttercup infests about 20,500
acres in 13 different counties, and has been the most problematic in southwestern
Montana. Despite its widespread distribution, the impacts of tall buttercup for landowners
and plant communities are relatively unknown. In Montana, tall buttercup is not often
considered a priority species for management relative to other weeds. However, as
a category 2A species, eradication may be possible in some areas and proper management
is necessary to prevent tall buttercup from becoming even more widespread.
My research is focused on measuring the impacts of tall buttercup on plant community
diversity and forage production across varying levels of infestation. I am also testing
various tall buttercup control strategies including herbicides, mowing, and fertilization
alone and in combination with each other. In order to better understand tall buttercup
biology and spread, I will be conducting a seed bank study and seed viability analysis
in the greenhouse. The results from these studies will be shared with land managers
and producers across the state of Montana with particular emphasis in regions where
tall buttercup is problematic.
Ultimately, my research will increase our understanding of both the ecological and
economic impacts of tall buttercup and provide land managers and producers with effective
management strategies to control existing infestations and conserve areas currently
free of tall buttercup.
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