1. Log into MyInfo using NetID and password.
  2. Select the Faculty Services tab.
  3. Select Section Add Approval. The classes you are assigned as instructor to will populate.
  4. Select the "Add" button.
  5. Enter the student's last name. All active students with that last name will appear with their GID. Select the student you'd like to add.
  6. Indicate reason for override by selecting from among the list provided.
  7. Select “Process.”
  8. Click "OK" to the confirmation dialog box.

The student and the instructor will receive an automated email when the student has been successfully added to the class.  Please allow 2 business days for processing.

Click here for step-by-step MyInfo instructions:

  1. Log into MyInfo using NetID and password
  2. Select the Advising Services tab
  3. Select Late Drop Menu
  4. Enter the student’s full name or GID (including the dash). This will pull up  the student’s current registration from banner
  5. Select the class (and associated lab/recitation, if necessary) the student would like to drop
  6. Select submit
  7. Add note in student’s DegreeWorks profile indicating drop has been approved and submitted .

The Advisor, the student, and the instructor will receive an automated email when the student has been successfully dropped from the class.  Please allow 2-3 business days for processing.

What Happens When a Student Requests a Drop?

When a student initiates a drop request with an advisor to be dropped from your class, you will receive a notification prompting you to reply with the student’s last date of attendance which is federally mandated.  The timing of this notification allows you to intercept the student (see details below). If you have no objections to the student dropping the class, please reply to registrar@montana.edu with the student’s last date of attendance.

Example notification of drop request:

screenshot of drop request

How Do I Place a "Hold" on a Drop Request?

You might run into a situation as an instructor where you’d like to ask the Registrar’s Office to hold off on processing the students drop request.  Two examples that come to mind:

  1. In an instance of academic dishonesty, you do not want the student to be able to drop the class as the student conduct code allows you to grade the student accordantly.
  2. In an instance where the student didn’t do well on the first exam and perhaps panicked, and you would like to discuss their opportunities for success before they withdraw.

On the Faculty Services tab, you’ll be able to see students who have open drop requests submitted to drop your class.  You can access this information by clicking “Show” next to your course.

screenshot of placing a hold on a drop request


By clicking “Place Hold on Request,” an email will be sent to the Registrar’s Office alerting us that we need to contact you and the student’s advisor to discuss the situation.  We’ll work collaboratively from there to process the request accordingly.

Individuals can be assigned as 0% instructor to courses to assist faculty in managing enrollment.  Once an individual is assigned as an instructor, they’ll be able to submit add requests and will be included in all add and drop notifications associated with the class.  As a reminder, the University is required to report last date of attendance for federal financial aid.  Therefore, the primary instructor must respond to drop notifications associated with their courses so that we can record the student’s last date of attendance in banner. Given this, we do not recommend that faculty responsible for teaching the course opt out of email notifications.

However, if 0% faculty members do not want or need these notifications, they can opt out of receiving them.  At any time, they can opt back in to receiving notifications should their role or responsibilities change.  To access this function, click on the Faculty Services Tab followed by Late Add/Drop Notification Opt Out in MyInfo.  You can then select which courses you’d like to receive notifications for and which courses you’d like to opt out of receiving notifications.

screenshot of how to opt out of email notifications


If a student needs to add a course after the 10th semester day or drop a course after the withdrawal deadline for extraordinary reasons, please direct them to DocuSign to initiate this process.

Summer 2024 Registration (Add/Drop) Schedule


Part of Term Term Start Date Last Day to Add Online Last Day to Add with Approval † Last Day to Drop Online Last Day to Drop Without a W Grade† Last Day to Drop With a W Grade † Term End Date
12-week Full Semester Session 13-May 16-May 22-May 22-May 30-May 15-Jul 2-Aug

May Start 4X4 

13-May 13-May 14-May 14-May 15-May 3-Jun 6-Jun
June Start 4X4 10-Jun 10-Jun 11-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun 27-Jun 5-Jul
July Start 4X4 8-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 25-Jul 1-Aug
Late Summer Start 22-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 8-Aug 14-Aug
First 6-week Session 13-May 14-May 16-May 16-May 20-May 14-Jun 21-Jun
8-week Intersession 10-Jun 12-Jun 17-Jun 17-Jun 20-Jun 25-Jul 2-Aug
Second 6-week Session 24-Jun 25-Jun 27-Jun 27-Jun 1-Jul 26-Jul 2-Aug
Non-Standard Term Dates* 13-May 16-May 22-May 22-May 30-May 15-Jul 2-Aug
Multiple Terms Combined**  13-May 16-May 22-May 22-May 30-May 15-Jul 2-Aug

*Non-Standard Term Dates refers to courses that do not conform to any other part of term. These are usually highly specialized courses. 

**Multiple Terms Combined refers to a class schedule that combines two or more parts of term. 

Summer 2024 Semester Withdrawal Refund Schedule

Part of Term

Term Dates 

100% Refund Through

90% Refund

75% Refund

50% Refund


0% Refund From

12-week Full Semester Session 13-May - 2-Aug 12-May  13-May - 16-May 17-May - 22-May 23-May - 30-May 31-May
May 4X4 Start  13-May - 6-Jun 12-May 13-May 14-May 15-May 16-May
June 4X4 Start  10-Jun - 3-Jul 9-Jun  10-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun 13-Jun
July 4X4 Start  8-Jul - 31-Jul 7-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul
Late Summer Start  22-Jul - 14-Aug 21-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul
First 6-week Session 13-May - 21-Jun 12-May 13-May - 14-May 15-May - 16-May 17-May - 20-May 21-May
8-week Intersession 10-Jun - 2-Aug 9-Jun 10-Jun - 12-Jun 13-Jun - 17-Jun 18-Jun - 20-Jun 21-Jun
Second 6-week Session 24-Jun - 2-Aug 23-Jun 24-Jun - 25-Jun 26-Jun - 27-Jun 28-Jun - 1Jul  2-Jul
Non-Standard Term Dates* 13-May - 2-Aug 12-May 13-May - 16-May 17-May - 22-May 23-May - 30-May 31-May 
Multiple Terms Combined** 13-May - 2-Aug 12-May 13-May - 16-May 17-May - 22-May 23-May - 30-May 31-May 

*Non-Standard Term Dates refers to courses that do not conform to any other part of term. These are usually highly specialized courses. 

**Multiple Terms Combined refers to a class schedule that combines two or more parts of term.