Request for Proposals: Research Using MSU’s Animal Resource Center’s Jamaican Fruit Bats

Deadline: Open call through November 1, 2024

The Office of Research and Economic Development (RED) is seeking proposals from faculty and research scientists at Montana State University (MSU) for research that utilizes MSU’s Animal Resource Center’s Jamaican fruit bats. RED seeks to catalyze research using MSU’s bat colony to advance current research or allow exploratory work in a new area of research.

Bats are critical to advance scientific knowledge, given their unique behavior, health systems, and biology.

RED is seeking a wide range of proposal ideas from various disciplines and will fund meritorious proposals on a first-come, first-served basis through November 1, 2024. We are not imposing a budget ceiling, as RED would like you to identify what you need to conduct your research.

To be considered, please submit the following in InfoReady:

  • Cover Sheet (in InfoReady, not a separate document) that includes title, abstract, PIs involved, and amount requested.
  • As a single PDF document, please provide:
    • Project narrative (about 3 pages, single space) that addresses the following:
      • Plain language introduction of the significance and impact of the research
      • Specific aims
      • The potential for this funding to lead to future bat research
      • Timeline (include timing for IACUC review)
    • Budget and budget justification that explains the need for the budget request (about 1 page, single space)
      • Cost of research (e.g., use of cages, food, consumables, anesthesia machine, technician time, reagents; please consult with ARC to estimate)
      • Per diem cost of flight cage (please consult with ARC to estimate)
      • 6% admin fee
      • Faculty salaries are not allowed. Graduate student time will be considered.
    • SciENcv for each collaborator


Please submit your proposal electronically to InfoReady (

  • Click "Log in" in the top right-hand corner of the InfoReady homepage and log in with your MSU NetID and password.
  • From this page, find the Table that lists funding opportunities.
  • Click the down arrow under the column labeled “Category” and select “Internal Opportunity.”
  • From there, select “Bat Research” in the “Title” column and click “Apply."

Review Process:

The RED Office will convene an ad hoc committee to review proposals. Proposals will be evaluated on the scientific merit of the project, the potential for future research, and the appropriateness of the budget.


If you have any questions, please contact Liz Shanahan at