Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Montana State University

EE477:  Digital Signal Processing

Spring Semester 2004
Section 1 (CRN 32200), Mon., Wed., and Fri., 10:00-10:50AM, CobH 632
LAB:  Section 2 (CRN 32201), Thursday 11:00-12:00PM, CobH 601 (LAB)

Note:  Final exam scores and course grades have been posted on the web.  Viewing instructions were emailed to each student on 5/6/2004.  Please pick up your final exam at my office.  Have a great summer! --RCM



Prof. Robert C. Maher
529 Cobleigh Hall, 994-7759,

Course Syllabus

(policies, grading, dates, etc.)

Course Notes (updated 5/6/2004)

(topics, assignments, lecture comments, etc.)


Lab reports are to be prepared according to the memo report format.