
Prof. Robert C. Maher


529 Cobleigh Hall (southwest corner of 5th floor)


Office:  994-7759
Home:  587-5925 (but please do not call me at home)


Class Page:


Office hours:

Tuesdays, 2-4PM.
(Drop-in questions are always OK if my office door is open)


"Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2nd Edition" by Oppenheim, Schafer, and Buck, Prentice Hall, 1999 (ISBN: 0-13-754920-2).

Class Objectives

Students learn the essential advanced topics in digital signal processing that are necessary for successful graduate-level research.  The course includes a review of the linear constant-coefficient system properties covered in an undergraduate DSP course, and then examines a variety of multirate filter structures, time-varying and adaptive systems, fast algorithms, and other topics relevant to the research areas of the students.

Class Outline (subject to change)

  • Review of discrete-time signals and systems concepts; z-transform properties (3 weeks)
  • Sampling, multirate processing, and oversampling (1 week)
  • Frequency response and transform analysis (1 week)
  • Filter structures and filter design (2 weeks)
  • DFT and DCT (1 week)
  • FFT and short-time Fourier transform (STFT) applications (2 weeks)
  • Introduction to parametric and adaptive signal processing (2 weeks)
  • Array processing (1 week)
  • Introduction to data compression (1 week)




→ Homework will be required periodically (approximately 6 assignments)

Exam #1


→ (February 26, 2003) Written exam given during class time (50 minutes)

Exam #2


→ (April 4, 2003) Written exam given during class time (50 minutes)

Final Project:


→ A final written project will be assigned during the latter portion of the semester.





  • You are responsible for all material covered in class and in the textbook reading assignments.
  • Homework, exams, and projects must be prepared individually. Submitting the work of others without clear attribution or collaboration without permission is dishonest and grounds for dismissal from the course.
  • Late submissions of assignments will not be accepted. Plan ahead and notify the instructor prior to justifiable absences, or if a bona fide emergency prevented you from attending class.