Description of Request

Submitted By: Jason Carter (VPREDGE), Dean Adams (Director of Center for Faculty Excellence), Kenning Arlitsch (Dean of the Library)

This request from the Vice President of Research, Economic Development, and Graduate Education (VPREDGE), Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE), and the Library is to relocate employees from across all 3 offices into a new location that will allow them to work more synergistically and encourage additional use of the Library with services that support students.

4 staff that make up the Office of Research Development (ORD), 4 staff that make up CFE (includes USP), and 3 faculty members from the Library’s Research Optimization, Analytics, and Data Services (ROADS) group are proposed to move into the 3rd floor. The 3rd floor is designated as a quiet zone and is not appropriate for the existing group study rooms, which are not soundproof. 3 of the existing study rooms would be used as offices, the remaining 2 study rooms would be used as private meeting space, and a portion of the open area between would be used for office (cubicle) space and open meeting areas. This would be accomplished without any renovations using a furniture-based solution which could be removed in the future if needed. This will also allow for review of this use to determine if it is effective as envisioned or if changes are warranted and would prevent major investment in a permanent solution up front, while leaving that option available for the future.

This idea is consistent with the Library Master Plan which identifies bringing student supporting services and offices into the library to encourage higher levels of use of the building. ORD works with students to develop research proposals and apply for research grants. CFE works with students to understand their needs in the classroom and brings that information to Faculty to improve the instructional environment. The Library faculty work with students to support research optimization and data analytics. Together in one place they would create a one stop shop for supporting student and faculty research. All of these tasks support the University’s mission and Strategic Plan (Goals 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 3.3). They also envision the opportunity for workshops geared toward students about different aspects of the research process to grow and enhance research at MSU and make it more accessible.
To ensure that students still have sufficient small meeting areas and quiet study space the areas being utilized in the proposed use would be duplicated in other areas of the library which are currently underused. The small meeting rooms would be duplicated on the northeast corner of the 2nd floor, furniture in this area is movable and can be spread throughout the floor to provide more even distribution. The quiet study space will be duplicated on the west corner of the 4th floor, this area currently consists of mostly empty stacks, the existing furniture will be moved if possible or appropriate new furniture identified. Additionally, AIH and Romney Hall have both provided a variety of study spaces, and the Wellness Center has a variety of student spaces and several meeting rooms which will help support this type of space need more generally


Date: May 6, 2022

Space Management Committee unanimously approved the allocation of Library space as described above

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105