Description of Request

Submitted By: Robert Peterson, LRES Department Head

Dr. Mari Eggers has recently transitioned from the department of Microbiology & Cell Biology to the department of Land Resources & Environmental Sciences (LRES). Consequently, LRES has requested to relocate her faculty office to Leon Johnson Hall. Dr. Eggers' research focuses on environmental health, which shares some synergies with the Water Center and Institute on Ecosystems. Therefore, Leon Johnson 605D, situated within the same suite as both centers, has been identified as a suitable office for her. The allocation of the office demonstrates a strategic use of existing facilities to support the department's goals, as well as creating a vacancy within Lewis Hall, in which Microbiology & Cell Biology will assign as a shared office for two NTT faculty members.


Date: August 2, 2024

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of 305D Leon Johnson Hall for use by Dr, Mari Eggers