Description of Request

Submitted By: Todd Bucher, Director of Veteran Services

The Travis W. Atkins Veteran Support Center has submitted a request to reconfigure space within their existing suite to better align with their operational needs. Specifically, they seek to convert a shared-use conference room, currently embedded within their office, into the director's office. The primary motivation for this request is to relocate the director’s office to a front-of-house position, thereby increasing accessibility and visibility of the Director with both the staff and visitors. Currently, the director’s office is in Romney 136H, which is separated from staff offices at the front of the suite and further from early visitor and student interaction. The proposed plan involves swapping the conference room in 136A with the director's office in 136H. This reconfiguration would allow the director’s office to be situated in a more suitable location within the suite, enhancing both accessibility and the overall functionality of the center. This proposed change would not limit access to the shared conference room. The space will continue to be available for shared use, with scheduling managed through Outlook. The internal move within the Veteran Support Center would neither result in a loss nor a gain of space but would better utilize the existing layout to meet the needs of the center’s staff and visitors


Date: September 6, 2024

Space Management Committee has approved the change in use of Romney 136A from conference room to office, and conversely, Romney 136H from office to conference room.