1. The sponsoring/contracting MSU department is responsible to procure a Certificate of Insurance (COI) from Contractors/Vendors/Performers providing duties/services/events or seeking to use facilities at Montana State University and to send it with  the agreement or contract (if applicable) to SRM for review and approval.
  2. A properly completed COI must be received and approved by SRM before services may be provided or others may be permitted to use university premises or facilities.
  3. Montana State University named and referenced on the COI as an Additional Insured as follows: “Montana State University, its agents, officers, officials, employees and volunteers are hereby named additional insureds as their interests may appear”.
  4. The State, its agents, officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be added as additional insured via endorsement to the Contractor’s policy for liability arising out of: activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor, including the insured’s general supervision of the Contractor; products and completed operations; premises owned, leased, occupied, or used. Reference should be made to same on the COI, but the actual separate endorsement must be provided.
  5. The limits the university usually requests for Commercial General Liability are $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. The university reserves the right to require higher limits from a contractor or vendor for a particular project or event based on the scope of work and associated risks to the university, or anticipated number of attendees. Feel free to contact insurance@montana.edu for input with regard to appropriate types and limits of insurance.
  6. If applicable, the COI should include Automobile Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limits. Coverage should include Owned, Non-owned and hired vehicles.
  7. If applicable, Workers’ Compensation following Montana statutory limits, to include $1,000,000 Employer’s Liability.
  8. Certificate Holder shall read:

State of Montana and Montana State University
Attn: MSU Safety & Risk Management
1160 Research Drive
Bozeman, MT 59718