What does the form do?

The Report of Incidence form is the required method of reporting an incident that will engage our insurer, the State of Montana Risk Management and Tort Defense Division (RMTD) to help administer the potential loss.

How do I complete the form?

Complete the first section (contact information) and the section that is relevant to the incident you are reporting (property/traffic/injury), then sign (digitally) and send electronically to insurance@montana.edu.

What events/incidents require the form?

Events to report include any significant:

  • property loss (large fire, flood, hail incidents);
  • vehicle accident,
  • data/cyber incident; and/or
  • other loss that involves bodily injury to non-MSU employee (visitor, students, etc.)

All other incidents that occur or are likely to result in damage or loss to MSU must be reported to MSU Safety & Risk Management (SRM) within five business days using insurance@montana.edu.  If a form is required after an assessment, we can discuss with you after receiving your notification.

What happens if the form is not submitted?

Incidents that are not reported promptly might result in the claim being denied and a department and/or the University being responsible for the loss.

What are the insurance deductibles?

The deductible for property claims is $1,000, and in most cases is payable by the MSU department. Several departments could be involved if a series of losses arose out of a single event (e.g., earthquake, hailstorm) which can result in damage crossing many departments and would be considered one incident. In those cases, the $1,000 deductible will be applied once to cover the entire claim.

The deductible for state vehicles with comp/collision coverage is either $250/$500 and is payable by the MSU department. There is no deductible for rental vehicles if rented through the WSCA contract, as the rentals have different coverage.


For more information, contact the Insurance Manager with MSU Safety & Risk Management at (406) 994-6888 or insurance@montana.edu.

Once third-party liability incidents are reported to SRM and shared with RMTD, the insurer will manage the potential claim, and will contact the MSU insurance manager for local assistance if needed.  If you get questions from involved parties after completing the form, please send them to SRM Insurance Manager.

IMPORTANT: In any situation, university employees should not voluntarily assume liability or agree to compensate third parties for the loss.  All claim management is done by the insurer.