If you are redirected to the file upload tool, your application was submitted successfully. You are not required to upload any additional documentation unless you have supplemental resources you wish to share.

 denotes required fields.

OTO Request:

The committee will be looking for specific items... such as alignment with the MSU Strategic Plan, Division priorities, unit operational items, and Service Excellence. If a group is allocated funds, they will be asked to report at Steering with a summary at the end of the fiscal year (June - July).

  1. Upload pertinent documentation... please keep this to a minimum (i.e. one page additional supporting documentation)
  2. The BAC will review requests, the first of each month.
Please complete the first three sections and the extra section, if it is applicable.
Review Criteria (2019):
  1. Does the request align with MSU's strategic plan or our institutional priority of serving students?
  2. Does the request serve a critical institutional support (operational) need?
  3. Are there measurable outcomes?
  4. Did the requester make an attempt to collaborate with other Division units or an external partner?
  5. If the request includes personnel, is it temporary or permanent?
    • If permanent, what base funding is identified for salary/benefits?
Contact Information
Intended Use of Funds
Only temporary personnel costs with no benefits are eligible through this process. Unless, future funding has been identified and this is bridge funding.
For example, include if there is an urgent timeline or if the request is for bridge funding for a permanent new line, please describe the future funding for the new line.
Describe the metrics you will use to measure your outcomes.
Criteria to Address
One or more of the three areas should be addressed:
  1. MSU Strategic Plan
  2. DSS Strategic Plan Priorities
  3. Service Excellence
  4. Institutional Support
Describe how this proposal aligns with the MSU Strategic Plan, include specific reference to intentional focus, goal or metric.
Describe how the proposal aligns with the DSS Strategic Plan priorities.
If applicable, describe the service excellence aspect of this proposal.
Describe the day-to-day operational need for the funds.
Extra Credit
If you have collaboration opportunities, please describe and it can be one or a combination of the following:
  1. Collaboration with a Division Unit
  2. Collaboration with an external MSU partner
  3. Collaboration with an external community partner